A malnourished horse is found on the roadside: now, he lives carefree on a ranch with his companions

by Alison Forde

June 27, 2020

A malnourished horse is found on the roadside: now, he lives carefree on a ranch with his companions

What would you do if you found a horse on poor condition by the roadside? This is the situation in which César Garcia found himself, when he was walking with his son on Grayson Road in Modesto, in the United States. On the way, the two found a white horse, skeletal and very run down; they did not know where the animal came from, but they saw a dark-colored truck nearby with a trailer full of horses, followed by a gray minivan.

via Turlock Journal

Hold Your Horses Evacuation/Facebook

Hold Your Horses Evacuation/Facebook

Garcìa and his son were horrified to see that the horse was not only skeletal and malnourished, but also had injuries and was visibly suffering, so the man immediately called the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department to report the find and  officers quickly arrived.

To assist in the rescue, the agents called on Bobbie Carne, who has been rescuing troubled horses for at least 20 years. In the Turlock Journal, Bobbie said, "It is typical for me to receive these types of calls when someone finds an animal in distress. I have taken part in many rescues and have seen horrible things done to animals, so it doesn't surprise me much anymore."

Hold Your Horses Evacuation/Facebook

Hold Your Horses Evacuation/Facebook

After examining the poor malnourished horse, Carne affirmed that this horse too was in truly terrible condition, and in need of professional help. So, thanks to the help of a local man who had a horse trailer, Bobbie and the police officers were able to put River (so the horse was called later by Bobbie) into the trailer and transport it to the Taylor of Turlock Veterinary Hospital .

A malnourished horse is found on the roadside: now, he lives carefree on a ranch with his companions - 3

With the necessary veterinary care, River the horse managed to recover slowly thanks to the administration of nutritious food at a controlled and constant rate, until Bryen Camden, a man who already had two horses on his ranch in Kentucky, saw the images posted on the Hold Your Horses Evacuation Facebook page and promised himself that he would take care of River once he was completely healed.

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Hold Your Horses Evacuation/Facebook

And so it was. Camden eventually decided to keep the name of the horse that Bobbie had given to him, but he also added the name Maximus to show the inner strength that the animal has shown so far.

Dear River, we are all with you!
