Man constructs a head covering to help him stop smoking once and for all

by Cylia Queen

July 08, 2020

Man constructs a head covering to help him stop smoking once and for all

Once you start smoking, it's really hard to stop. Some people have a strong enough will power to stop on their own. Others, however need a little extra help. While most people rely on gum, patches, or vaping to ween them off of smoking, one man from Turkey decided to put his own idea to the test. Although his contraption, a wooden cage that fits around the entire head, is a bit unorthodox, it actually helped him quit. Don't believe us? Keep reading to find out how he did it. 

via Daily Mail UK



Ibrahim Yucel is a 42-year-old from Turkey and has been smoking since he was 16. That is, until he lost his father to lung cancer. That's when his entire family, his wife, sisters, and children, began begging him to quit. After all, they didn't want what happened to his father happen to him. Despite all the evidence he had that confirmed how bad smoking was for him, nothing seemed to help Ibrahim quit. 

That's when Ibriham came up with a brilliant idea...



Inspired by motorcyclists' helmets, Ibriham decided to construct a head covering that would prevent him from smoking. He gathered small twigs from his yard and formed them in the shape of a helmet. When placed around his head, the helment looks much more like a cage, but for a very good reason: he needed the twigs to be packed tightly enough together so a cigarette wouldn't be able to fit through. The only things small enough to fit through were straws and thin pieces of cracker, so he'd be able to drink enough water and snack throughout the day. 

Ibriham didn't just wear his helmet at home; he also wore it to work! Each morning, he'd put on the helmet, lock it up (yes, you have to have a key to get out of this thing!), give the key to his wife or daughter, and then go to work. To Ibriham, it was the only way to keep himself from not giving into tempation. 



Certainly, it wasn't easy for Ibriham or his family to see him walking around the house everyday with a cage locked to his head. When he walked by people on the street, they either made fun of him or wanted to know why he was wearing such a strange contraption strange on his head. None of that mattered, however, when Ibriham finally lost his craving for cigarettes. In fact, he would do it all over again if it meant saving his life and making his family happy. 

Way to go Ibriham! You finally kicked the habit! 
