A 4-year-old girl fighting cancer manages to hug her father after 7 weeks of distancing

by Alison Forde

July 03, 2020

A 4-year-old girl fighting cancer manages to hug her father after 7 weeks of distancing

When a child is born, it is difficult to imagine being able to love any other person more. After all, it is absolutely normal: the relationship and the bond that is created between a parent and their offspring is so splendid and strong that a father and mother know they are willing to do everything to ensure that their children grow up in peace and good health.

Every parent is ready to sacrifice themselves for their sons and daughters, even if this means staying away from them and suffering from detachment, especially in difficult times. The same was true for little Mila, aged 4, and her father Scott. The little one was diagnosed with leukemia, and for this reason she had to undergo several chemotherapy sessions. As if this already tragic situation were not enough, the Coronavirus pandemic complicated everything, making it necessary for the father to be distanced from his daughter.

via Metro

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Little Mila's immune system was already much weakened by leukemia: for this reason, she could never have risked contracting Covid-19, a potentially fatal disease for her. Her father had to continue working during the pandemic, which is why he made the very difficult but necessary decision to preserve the health of his daughter at all costs.

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

The 50-year-old man decided, not without great pain, to leave home, leaving Mila with her mom, who could take care of her. The risks, with him at home, would have been too serious, and so such a precaution was absolutely necessary. Often, during his time away from Mila, Scott stopped in front of his house window to greet her, giving life to a scene as touching as it was tender.

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

After 7 very long weeks, the "green light" has finally arrived for Scott to go home and to take time off from work for reasons related to his daughter's health. For his return, Scott wanted to give something special to little Mila. So, he decided that he would make her a wonderful surprise. The little girl didn't really expect to see her father enter the house, so much so that, at first, she thought she was joking.

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Needless to describe her joy when she saw that Scott was really crossing the threshold of the house, ready to pick her up and hold her in a wonderful way with warmth and happiness. A bright smile was printed on the girl's face, weakened by her fight against leukemia but happy to be able to count - in person - on the affection that only a father can give.

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

Youtube / Good Morning Britain

The whole scene was captured on video: just watch it to feel involved and moved. Scott himself was unable to hold back the tears, and all that remains is to wish Mila to continue fighting as a real warrior, and to soon be able to defeat the disease that afflicts her.


Rex Chapman/Twitter
