A woman abandons a small dog, writing "free" on her fur with permanent marker

by Cylia Queen

June 07, 2020

A woman abandons a small dog, writing "free" on her fur with permanent marker

Abandoning a poor, defenseless animal is something owners shouldn't take half-heartedly. Certainly, there are situations where owners have no other choice but to give up their animal, but that doesn't keep the animal from having feelings of abandonment and being unwanted. 

Then, there are some owners, like the woman in our story, who abandon their animals for what seems like their own amusement. One pet shelter shared the story of one particular dog whose owner wrote on her fur with permanent marker the words "FREE." 

via Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany May works for Ross County Humane Society. She's seen a lot of sad stories come into the shelter over the years, but nothing was quite like Kendra Stafford's case. Hoping to get rid of her dog, she wrote "FREE" and "For a good home only" on her face and fur with permanent marker. 

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany could hardly contain herself when she saw the woman's dog covered in permanent ink. It's not just ugly, permanent ink can be toxic to animals, but Kendra didn't seem to understand what the issue was. That's why Brittany took her anger and disappointment to Facebook to share the poor dog's story.

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

It didn't take long for the internet to find out who the owner was, and many people were upset by her actions. Kendra, however, defended herself, saying that her actions were intended to be good. But who could ever think such a thing, that writing on your dog with permanent marker is actually going to do anything to help him or her find a better home? 

We can only hope that Kendra learned her lesson and that she'll think twice before writing on another animal with permanent marker. And, if she really wants her dog to go to a good home, we hope she'll actually put in the work to make sure it happens. 

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook

Brittany May - Ross County Humane Society/Facebook
