Garbage man saves the life of an elderly woman after realizing she hadn't taken her trash out for 2 weeks

by Cylia Queen

June 12, 2020

Garbage man saves the life of an elderly woman after realizing she hadn't taken her trash out for 2 weeks

Sometimes it's the little things that makes a person happy. In extreme cases, even the smallest gestures can make the difference in a person's life. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, small gestures can be a reminder to your friends, family, and neighbors that you care about their safety and well-being. This is especially true for the elderly people who live in our communities. Without the ability to leave their houses, given they are at greater risk for contracting the virus, the elderly have had to rely on their loved ones and neighbors to get them through these hard times. This is why the story we are about to share with you is so important, given it sheds a light on why it pays to be more "neighborly".

via News Break



Hometown Hauling is a waste and recycling company located in Louisville, Kentucky, and often goes the extra mile to show how much they care about their clients. Jake Blend, head manager of operations, believes in the company's core values whole-heartedly and makes an effort to represent them as best he can. That's why, when he noticed one of his elderly clients hadn't taken out her trash for more than 2 weeks, he knew something wasn't right. That's when he asked Bernice Arthur, one of Jake's employees, to check up on the elderly woman while she was out making her rounds for the day.   



We'll refer to the elderly woman as "Mrs. W" (for reasons of privacy, she wishes to remain unnamed). When Bernice went to her house, she discovered that Mrs. W could no longer go outside for reasons connected to the Covid-19 pandemic. She was even afraid to take her trash out for fear that she might end up contracted the virus, given her advanced age. For two weeks she had been stuck inside her house without ever going out once. Needless to stay, she was running low on food and supplies. Bernice also discovered that they elderly woman had no family to help her, which made her current situation even worse.  



In that moment, Bernice and Jake decided that they would take matters into their own hands. Although Mrs. W didn't have blood relatives around to help her, they would be her family from now on. Whatever she needed (groceries, company, etc.), they would be there for her no matter what. 

This is a prime example why we as neighbors need to start being a little more neighborly. It goes to show that you never know what kind of situation your nextdoor neighbor might be going through. If someone would've just knocked on Mrs. W's door to check on her, she probably wouldn't have felt so alone or afraid. 
