This man had an ingenious idea on how to plant tomatoes in the garden using a plastic bucket

by Cylia Queen

May 26, 2020

This man had an ingenious idea on how to plant tomatoes in the garden using a plastic bucket

If you have a small yard but you'd like to give planting some tomatoes a try, look no further than James Bryan's method for growing tomatoes. On his blog Home Talk, James posted a simple and ingenious way on how to grow tomatoes for those of us who have limited yard space. Although it seems strange, all you need is an old plastic bucket and some chicken wire! 

via Home Talk

James Bryan

James Bryan

First, James placed the plastic bucket in an open space in his garden. Next, he drilled holes into the bucket, including its base. He drilled the first round of holes close to the top of the bucket; then, he added a second round of holes 25 centimeters above the bucket's base. Last but not least, he then dug the bucket into the ground. 

James Bryan

James Bryan

Aroud the bucket, he placed four young tomato plants. Within a matter of months, his tomato plants grew to be full and luscious. All he does to keep them looking so good is refill the bucket with water every 2 days, trying to avoid getting the leaves wet as much as he can. Otherwise, they'll get damaged. Tomato plants need lots of water, but cold temperatures and too much rain can damage them as well. Make sure you are paying attention to these things when you think about refilling your bucket. 

James Bryan

James Bryan

In less than a month and a half, you should obtain the same results that James did. If you feel like 4 tomato plants are too many, you can always use a smaller bucket and plant 2 tomato plants instead of one. If you decide to try the second option, make sure you only water the tomato plants twice a week and not once every two days. 

What do you think? Easy enough, right?
