Everyday this 84-year-old grandmother makes 50 preventive face masks and donates them to her local hospital and people in need

by Cylia Queen

April 01, 2020

Everyday this 84-year-old grandmother makes 50 preventive face masks and donates them to her local hospital and people in need

While the entire world is experiencing a myriad of setbacks and difficulties due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the number of negative episodes surrounding the pandemic definitely outweighs the positive. This doesn't mean, however, that there aren't positive stories of people out there who are making a difference in the lives of those affected most by the outbreak. 

One woman in particular that's making a difference is a sweet 84-year-old Spanish grandmother named Margherita. Like most people, Margherita's country, Spain, is under extreme quarantine. Since she's confined to the comforts of her home, she wanted to do something productive with her free time; something that would help others that were worse off than herself. 

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A retired seamstress and mother of 7, Margherita decided that the best way to contribute to the outbreak was her sewing skills. Like any other country that's been badly hit by the Coronavirus, Spain has suffered a significant shortage in hygienic products, including preventive face masks. That was enough for Magherita to know exactly how she'd put her sewing skills to use. 

Don't let Magherita's avdanced age fool you into thinking she's too old to be industrious. Dedicating 8-9 hours of her day to assembling masks, she works harder than people even half her age. By the end each day, she's usually made about 50 masks (which is a pretty impressive number, when you think about it). 

Once assembled, Magherita's masks go to her city's hospital, Arcos de la frontiera, in Andalusia, or to needy people living within the her community. In times like these, we need to be more like Margherita; willing and able to offer up our skills and expertise to our suffering communities. Keep up the great work, Margherita! You're an inspiration to us all.  

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