After 3 years apart, this woman is finally reunited with her cat, which she originally lost in an earthquake

by Cylia Queen

April 20, 2020

After 3 years apart, this woman is finally reunited with her cat, which she originally lost in an earthquake

Despite what Shakespeare has made us believe about tragedies, not all of them have a sad ending. A story about an elderly woman named Dora and her long-lost cat, we think, will be enough to change your mind. 

Our story takes place in Montemonaco, Italy, a small town of only 550 inhabitants located in the province of Ascoli Piceno. Montemonaco, along with a few other small towns in Ascoli Piceno, became famous in 2016 after being hit by a string of terrible earthquakes. Hundreds of people lost their lives and entire city centers were destroyed, leaving many inhabitants homeless. Dora luckily escaped before her house crumbled to the ground; what she didn't know, however, is if her cat, Mimmo, had made it out alive.   

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Non capirete il dialetto della nostra cara Dora, ma non importa.... Basta guardare in silenzio, per emozionarsi fortemente!❤️❤️❤️ ....Dora e Mimmo si sono ritrovati, dopo tre anni dal terremoto... Ma dove sarà stato il gattino per tutto questo tempo!!! 😪❤️❤️

Pubblicato da Mimma Bei su Giovedì 5 marzo 2020

Mimma Bei/Facebook

Although the chances that Mimmo survived were slim, Dora never gave up hope that one day they would be reunited. After all, Mimmo was not merely her pet; he was a member of her family.

After almost 4 long years apart, Mimmo reappeared almost as quickly as he vanished. A neighbor spotted him just trotting around town, as if he had never left. It didn't take long for Dora to find out about it and, with the help of a friend, she captured their reunion on video. 


Mimma Bei/Facebook

Mimma Bei/Facebook

If you've ever lost a pet, you'll definitely be moved by Dora and Mimmo's video. Overcome by joy, Dora can't contain how happy she is to see mimmo again. As for Mimmo, he seems pretty happy to be at his owner's side once. This goes to show that some friendships not only stand the test of time, but remain intact even after an earthquake tries to tear them apart!
