To all the medical staff and cleaners who risk their lives every day: thank you.

by Alison Forde

March 24, 2020

To all the medical staff and cleaners who risk their lives every day: thank you.

In such a hectic historical moment, in which we have all been overwhelmed by an epidemic on a global scale, we try to remain calm and do what we should have done since the beginning: to stay at home, following the advice of doctors and nurses who every day they risk their own lives to save those who, more unfortunately than others, have been affected by the Coronavirus. And it is to them - doctors, nurses and even cleaners, that all our thanks go. Thank you, because by doing your work and often doing even more than you are supposed to do, you keep us safe.

via Instagram / Alessia Bonari



All of us ordinary citizens know how grueling the work is that nurses and doctors are carrying out these days, to continue to save as many people as possible. While many of us would like to hang around with an ice cold beer in hand, perhaps, and instead are trying to invent something to escape the boredom of isolation, there are millions more people who are constantly risking their lives to allow us to move forward and hope in a better future. In current epidemic epicentres, such as in northern Italy, all hospital staff work every day without stopping, wearing the most evident signs of grueling shifts. 

The testimony of a nurse, Alessia Bonari, has made a particular impression on the web and summarizes the mood of all professionals:


The sorrowful testimony of the young nurse:

"I am a nurse and at the moment I am facing this health emergency. I am afraid too, but I am not going to go shopping, I am afraid to go to work. I am afraid because the mask may not adhere well to the face, or I may have accidentally touched myself with dirty gloves, or maybe the lenses do not completely cover my eyes and something may have passed. I am physically tired because the protective devices are bad, the lab coat makes you sweat and once dressed I can no longer go to the bathroom or drink for six hours. I am psychologically tired, and as are all my colleagues who have been in the same condition for weeks, but this will not prevent us from doing our job as we have always done. I will continue to take care of my patients, because I am proud and in love with my job. What I ask anyone who is reading this post is not to frustrate the effort we are making, to be selfless, to stay at home and thus protect those who are most fragile. We young people are not immune to Coronavirus, we too can get sick, or worse, we can make others sick. I can't afford the luxury of going back to my quarantined house, I have to go to work and do my part. You do yours, I ask you please. "



Thanks to all of you who are on the front lines working, as always, against this terrible pandemic. We citizens are working hard to contribute to your effort and to ensure that this period ends as soon as possible.
