School punishes a student after making his classmates pay to use his bottle of hand sanitizer

In the last month, we've shared plenty of stories of how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected the behavior of adults, but never really on the behavior of children. When parents turn on the news, most of them probably don't think about how it might affect their children. If adults are capable of panic-buying or surcharging people for sanitary products (like hand sanitizer and preventive masks), why wouldn't kids be capable of the same things? It's at least what happened in Oliver Cooper's case.
via Metro UK

From West Yorkshire, UK, Oliver Cooper is bright young student of Dixons Unity Academy, a prestigious private school located in Leeds, who had the bright idea of making a profit off of his classmates during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Oliver thought of his big idea while listening to the radio on his way to school one day. Once the radio host started discussing how important it was to keep your hands clean to keep the virus fom spreading, Oliver decided that he would buy a bottle of hand sanitizer and share it with all his clasmates. He wasn't completely doing it out of the good will of his heart, however. His big idea was to make his classmates pay for the hand sanitizer, if they wanted to use it. For a dime-size amount of hand sanitizer, Oliver charged roughly 60 cents. By the end of each day, he usually pocketed around 10 dollars.

It didn't take long for the school to find out about Oliver's scheme. Given it was against the school's code of ethics, they gave him two hours of detention. He also had to spend a day grounded at home, where he wasn't even allowed to come out of his room. When asked why he took advantage of his classmates, Oliver replied "Everyone at school makes people pay if they want a piece of gum. Since everyone wanted some of my hand sanitizer, I figured why not make them pay for it too."
Oliver's mother claims that he has always been a bit of a troublemaker, but she is hopeful that this will teach him a valuable lesson. Only time will tell, perhaps!