Post-op woman is comforted by her sweet kittens

by Melanie Boveri

February 06, 2020

Post-op woman is comforted by her sweet kittens

Deb Clay has spent her whole life working on veterinarian studies and animal first aid, and has always had a soft spot for animals in need. Alongside her husband, she has kept four or five stray cats that had one day showed up outside their front door, looking for a place to stay. Even though they originally intended to find them a forever home, they both knew in their hearts that each one of the cats had already made Deb's home their own.

via 24 World News

The Dodo

The Dodo

One day, Deb had to undergo knee surgery and was at home and off her feet for some time. She couldn't move much, so she spent a lot of time in bed, and that's when all 5 of her cats realized something was wrong with their human mom. They didn't normally all cuddle with her at the same time...

...but when they figured out that she wasn't feeling well, they knew right away that she need more attention than usual, and they knew exactly what to do. One by one, each of them snuggled up by her side until all five of them surrounded her, trying their best to comfort her in the only way they knew how!

The Dopo

The Dopo

Deb Clay explained: "When my cats got into bed with me, I just felt relaxed with them around me."

A post-op recovery is not always easy, and Deb is really thankful to have had not one, but five feline friends by her side, who make sure that she feels happy and loved in every step of her slow recovery.

The Dodo

The Dodo

So what do you think, have these sweet little kitties shown enough love towards their human?
