A study reveals that those who sleep a lot are healthier and less prone to heart problems

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 05, 2019

A study reveals that those who sleep a lot are healthier and less prone to heart problems

There are people for whom sleep is something they absolutely cannot do without.

In fact, women and men with a passion for naps and long hours of sleep would be willing to give up a lot, just to allow themselves their daily dose of time in the arms of Morpheus.

This is true, in spite of the fact that being sleepy or finding it hard to get out of bed is often associated with laziness.

Nevertheless, according to the research we are about to talk about, the time spent under the covers is more important than we think, not only to feel well rested, but also and above all, to stay healthy and live longer.

via BMJ Journals



Sleepy people who do not want to get out of bed will no doubt be happy to know that this characteristic is not something for which they should feel guilty.

Indeed, it is quite the opposite, because the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, by examining samples of people between the ages of 35 and 75 with different sleeping habits over a period of more than 5 years, has discovered that those who took a nap once or twice a week had about 48% less chance of having a heart attack, stroke or heart failure.

Furthermore, the way a person sleeps and the amount of time dedicated to this fundamental activity would seem to greatly influence their predisposition toward certain pathologies, even serious ones. Sleeping, then, is not at all something that is "boring", let alone a "waste of time".



It remains obvious that, in light of all this, a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are other useful "stratagems" to help keep us in shape and avoid various pathologies, in the presence of which it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

In any case, nothing detracts from the fact that sleep is a precious friend and let's never forget it. It is also wonderful to realize that simply by getting a restful night's sleep - or taking a simple nap - we can do something that is so simple and pleasant, which at the same time helps us to avoid numerous health problems!


