A grass fire disfigured her face and body, but her husband has shown her that love is not based only on physical appearance

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 23, 2019

A grass fire disfigured her face and body, but her husband has shown her that love is not based only on physical appearance

During a marathon in Western Australia, the athlete Turia Pitt suddenly found herself caught in a terrible grass fire.

The marathon race organizers had failed to communicate the danger to the runners at the various checkpoints, consequently, the woman suffered burns on 65% of her body. Her doctors were sure that she would not survive, but the woman demonstrated a miraculous determination to live.

She was subjected to over 200 operations and remained for many months between life and death until her doctors managed to declare her out of danger.

Hers is an incredible example of tenacity and desire to live, but she was also helped tremendously by another feeling: love.


Feeling like your motivation levels are a little lacklustre? You need to watch this: https://www.turiapitt.com/2018/02/08/not-feeling-motivated/

Pubblicato da Turia Pitt su Mercoledì 7 febbraio 2018

As a matter of fact, all the while, her boyfriend Michael Hoskin stood by her, helping her and supporting her during her convalescence. But it is above all after she came back home that he has shown his feelings. 


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Pubblicato da Turia Pitt su Martedì 13 febbraio 2018

Many people, based on the social standards we are used to nowadays, were certain that Michael would have ended his relationship with Turia, due to her physical appearance having been dramatically changed by the fire and now being very different from what it used to be. But Michael is not that kind of man.

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Pubblicato da Turia Pitt su Sabato 18 novembre 2017

In fact, the young man had fallen in love with, not only Turia's physical appearance but most of all, her soul, that was still there, intact, perhaps even stronger than before. Five years after the dramatic accident they got married and after only one year they had their first child.

Maybe it’s just the Christmas spirit, but geez we’re getting good at this angelic family photo thing. Merry Christmas y’all! 🎄💛 [📷 by Himani]

Pubblicato da Turia Pitt su Domenica 24 dicembre 2017

Today, Turia Pitt is a motivational speaker who helps others find the strength to be born again. She has never let herself be beaten despite the blows of fate and has found someone who has remained beside her without being negatively influenced by her physical appearance.

Their beautiful family is a symbol of resilience and pure love that should inspire all of us! <3

We tolerate each other... 😂❤️

Pubblicato da Turia Pitt su Lunedì 16 ottobre 2017