This girl has been raising her 5 siblings alone ever since both their parents died of cancer

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 31, 2019

This girl has been raising her 5 siblings alone ever since both their parents died of cancer

When a parent, due to an inauspicious fate, passes away ahead of their time, their spouse must learn to live with the pain of losing a loved one and in the meantime assuming full responsibility for raising their children.

However, there are cases in which fate deals a particularly cruel blow to a family, by taking away both parents within a short amount of time.

This is exactly what happened to the Rodriguez children, who over the course of three years found themselves completely alone, and therefore, in a very difficult and precarious situation.


In 2013, Lisa Smith, the mother of the six children, passed away due to a serious illness at the age of 35. Then, only three years later, she was followed by her husband Alexander Rodriguez, struck down by lymphoma at the age of 44. The oldest of their children, Samantha, was only 17 years old at the time.

When the prospect of adoption was put forward by social services, Samantha vehemently opposed. But, the siblings did not have any relatives who could accommodate all six siblings in their home, so the children were destined to be separated. For Samantha, this was an absolutely unacceptable idea!

So Samantha rolled up her sleeves and accepted the biggest challenge of her life, namely, to raise her five siblings, who at the time were between four and thirteen years of age.

Nevertheless, the legal guardian for all six children is actually their paternal grandmother, Lourdes, who cannot provide for all their daily needs because she suffers from severe arthritis. Therefore, the real heroine of the house, from 2013 to today, is Samantha because she has been their mother, dad, and older sister.

The young girl set aside the typical activities of a teenager and dedicated herself daily to her family. Since their parents died, she has been preparing meals, managing the household chores, taking her siblings to school, and making wise decisions for the entire family.



Her siblings are now old enough to understand what Samantha has done and is doing for them. It is thanks to her if they have been able to continue to live together instead of being separated.

It is thanks to her if they have been able to grow up together, smile, and be happy in these three years.

It is thanks to her love that they have all been able to overcome the greatest grief of their young life. And they will be forever grateful to her.

20-year-old Samantha Rodriguez is an inspiration. After both of her parents died of cancer, she is the head of her...

Pubblicato da Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida su Giovedì 11 aprile 2019

This story about the Rodriguez siblings is so moving that it has not gone unnoticed. In fact, their neighbors and the entire community have often surprised Samantha with unexpected and disinterested support. Like for example, when the local police gave them a car, which is very useful for their daily transportation.

There have also been monetary donations (many from anonymous benefactors), other families who have come over to the house to help out, and countless small daily gestures of help ... In short, that of the Rodriguez siblings is a story of great pain that has, nevertheless, also produced great love and solidarity.

We hope that all the siblings can realize their dreams, and above all Samantha because her selflessness and her will power make her a true heroine of our times.
