Stroke symptoms: 5 warning signs that can save lives

Stroke is one of the most frequent neurological diseases.
It consists of the rupture or closure of an artery, which involves the interruption of blood supply to the brain (ischemic stroke) or the uncontrolled inflow of blood due to the rupture itself (hemorrhagic stroke).
The greatest incidence of stroke is found among the elderly population aged between 65 and 85 years, with a slight prevalence of male subjects.
Survival is strongly linked to the time factor, so it is necessary to know the warning signs that can reveal the probability of a stroke in progress.
via American Stroke Association

Stroke is essentially a "brain infarct", which is the temporary interruption of blood supply to one or more areas of the brain tissue, caused by obstructions or clots.
If this blackout continues too long, the consequences can be irreparable, up to the necrosis of the affected cells. Here are the main symptoms and warning signals that can save lives:
- Shoulder and neck stiffness. In the absence of conditions such as obesity or cervical osteoarthritis, if you feel stiff and you cannot touch your chest with your chin you should consult your doctor.
- Dizziness and confusion. Dizziness and loss of lucidity are other signs that can reveal a potential stroke in progress.

- Sudden migraine. Blood obstruction causes cerebral distress, so the onset of a violent headache should not be taken lightly.
- Dark or double vision. Disturbances in one or both eyes are quite frequent during a stroke and are indicators that should not be underestimated.
- A sensation of numbness in one or more parts of the body. Soreness, weakness or even paralysis in arms, legs, or face are unequivocal signs that something is wrong.

The risk factors are hypertension, smoking, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, alcohol and drugs, obesity, incorrect diet, anxiety/depression, a sedentary lifestyle, and neurological problems. In an emergency, immediately call 911, do not drive yourself and do not eat or drink anything.
If you find yourself assisting someone having a probable stroke episode, you need to prepare yourself to support their head because they could feel the need to vomit. You must reassure them and speak calmly to them.
When contacting the emergency service, the patient must be watched and their condition described to the healthcare professional. It must never be forgotten that, especially if you are under 60 years of age, the chances of surviving a stroke are high, up to 70%.
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