The 5 most typical mistakes people make that damages their hair and what you can do to avoid them

by Cylia Queen

August 11, 2020

The 5 most typical mistakes people make that damages their hair and what you can do to avoid them

Taking care of your hair is just as important as taking care of your hair. You don't have to have a rigorous routine in order to look like you just came back from the hair salon. Often, we feel like we have to go to great lengths in order to take good care of our hair, but this is far from true. One of the most common misconceptions is that we should wash our hair everyday, but this can actually damage our hair. 

In this article, we've put together 5 common mistakes people make when it comes to taking care of their hair. Continue to read if you would like to make sure you're not committing any of them! 

Everyday vs 2 times a week

Everyday vs 2 times a week

Instagram / farah.sharma

  • Washing your hair everyday: washing your hair everyday with shampoo isn't actually necessary, according to some experts. In order to keep your hair clean, it's enough to wash it two or three times a week. Applying shampoo everyday is actually not a great for your hair because it removes natural oils that protect your hair and keep it hydrated. 
  • Applying conditioner after shampoo: we're used to conditioner after we shampoo, but some hairtypes do better if you do it the other way around. If you have fine hair, you might want to try conditioning your hair before you shampoo it. Making this your routine could add more volume to your hair.  
Flickr / Marco Verch

Flickr / Marco Verch

  • Washing your hair with hot water: one of the most common mistakes people make is washing their hair with hot water. Hot water can actually damage and weaken your hair, so it's better to wash it with lukewarm water and then rinse with cold water.
  • Brushing your hair when it's wet: wet hair is actually weaker than dry hair, so if you brush it while it's wet, hair is more likely to break. Try using a towel and your fingers to untangle your hair when wet. 
  • Applying conditioner to the roots of your hair: another common mistake is applying conditioner to the roots of your hair. If you apply it directly to the roots, it could obstruct your hair follicles and keep your hair from growing like it should and, as a result, cause your hair to be more oily than it should. 