She refuses to interrupt her pregnancy despite a terrible diagnosis and after 10 years she is happier than ever

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 18, 2019

She refuses to interrupt her pregnancy despite a terrible diagnosis and after 10 years she is happier than ever

Love for one's children can sometimes exceed every need, every concern, and open hidden doors in our affection that give life to forms of courage that cannot help but strongly move those who are a witness.

Just like what happened to Sarah Wickline Hull, a brave mother who decided to fight when she was diagnosed with cancer by her doctors and to carry on with her pregnancy for the sake of her little unborn daughter. 

This is a true and amazing story that has moved many people after being shared by the woman herself on her social media network accounts.



Sarah's story was told in her own words on her official Facebook profile, when in January 2019, she informed her followers that previously in her life, she had been informed of an unfortunate diagnosis of cancer in the twentieth week of pregnancy.

Sarah narrates that the oncologist had promptly advised her to get an abortion as a way to protect her life (as the birth mother) and thereby avoid unpleasant medical consequences for herself and the newborn baby. Sarah, however, had already decided to refuse the abortion option having spent years of infertility with her husband trying to have a child. 

Following her instinct, she decided to carry her pregnancy to full term, at her own risk.


People are talking about the medical necessity of abortion to save the mother's life. I was one of those mothers. I...

Pubblicato da Sarah Wickline Hull su Giovedì 24 gennaio 2019

From that moment on, Sarah had looked for doctors who supported her risky decision, and in the end, she managed to give birth to her 34-week-old baby daughter.

As she pointed out in her courageous post on Facebook, Sarah will celebrate 10 years of being cancer free in May 2019. And she will also celebrate her daughter's tenth birthday, the daughter for whom, Sarah had decided to risk her very life to bring into the world.

What do you think of Sarah Wickline Hull's story? Did you also feel touched when you read it?
