21 images that show why dogs are full members of the family

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 27, 2019

21 images that show why dogs are full members of the family

Faithful par excellence, dogs have always been among the pets most favored by human beings.

In fact, humans choose dogs to support them in a thousand different activities: from hunting to sheep-rearing, from guarding property to rescuing and saving lives, these wonderful animals have shown us their capacity and reliability.

However, it is their sweetness and joyous affection that has conquered our hearts, transforming them into real members of our family - as these tender and funny images clearly demonstrate.

1. While all the other dogs are playing, he reads a book together with his owner

1. While all the other dogs are playing, he reads a book together with his owner

Gallowboob / reddit


2. These dogs must have realized that their mistress was not feeling very well, and decided to give her the cuddles she needs

2. These dogs must have realized that their mistress was not feeling very well, and decided to give her the cuddles she needs

phaytal / reddit

3. There is no better way to be welcomed back home than with a big hairy hug!

3. There is no better way to be welcomed back home than with a big hairy hug!

ShinyDisc0Balls / reddit

4. A look that reminds you that for him, you are the most important person in the world

4. A look that reminds you that for him, you are the most important person in the world

LearnedBravery / reddit

5. There is nothing better than relaxing at the park with your best friend

5. There is nothing better than relaxing at the park with your best friend

Guygan / reddit


6. Two lovely young "puppies" growing up together

6. Two lovely young "puppies" growing up together

LameSaucey / reddit

7. Even without explaining it to him, this dog seems to have understood that his owner is pregnant

7. Even without explaining it to him, this dog seems to have understood that his owner is pregnant

okayyymovingon / Imgur


8. Certain gestures are capable of infinitely multiplying the sweetness of certain moments

8. Certain gestures are capable of infinitely multiplying the sweetness of certain moments

edilima / Imgur

9. A true friend is always there in times of need

9. A true friend is always there in times of need

louiebaur / reddit


10. He can't take his eyes off the new little family member

10. He can't take his eyes off the new little family member

ZeroTwitch / Imgur

11. This is what is called an "overflowing" look of love

11. This is what is called an "overflowing" look of love

strawberryhichew / reddit


12. From how these two get along, it seems that his parents have found the perfect friend for their son

12. From how these two get along, it seems that his parents have found the perfect friend for their son

ThatPatti / reddit

13. A couple made to be together

13. A couple made to be together

SkankBoy / reddit


14. There are moments to rush to keep your commitments, and others to stop for a little pampering

14. There are moments to rush to keep your commitments, and others to stop for a little pampering

PNWsea / reddit

15. A great way to start the day with the right energy is with a warm embrace from your best friend

15. A great way to start the day with the right energy is with a warm embrace from your best friend

kiana23 / reddit


16. You can tell your dog everything because he will always be there to listen to you and and love you

16. You can tell your dog everything because he will always be there to listen to you and and love you

WubWubDing / reddit

17. A young puppy is like a child

17. A young puppy is like a child

Fat_Unicorn_Butt / reddit

18. Your dog takes care of you when you are sick

18. Your dog takes care of you when you are sick

m4sterpieces / reddit

19. One last hug before departing

19. One last hug before departing

Louvin / reddit

20. A perfect and 100% safe cradle

20. A perfect and 100% safe cradle

JarodKnoten / Imgur

21. As long as you have your dog, you will never be alone

21. As long as you have your dog, you will never be alone

Legallynuts / Imgur

Dogs are truly man's best friends because they will never stop surprising us with their disarming personality and their boundless affection.
