Magnesium: Some good reasons to always include it in your daily diet

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 12, 2019

Magnesium: Some good reasons to always include it in your daily diet

Modern pharmacology continually puts on the market innumerable products concerning health care and aesthetics.

However, regardless of how much scientific research has evolved, it is often the simplest and most natural ingredients that give the greatest benefits and results.

Magnesium, for example, is an essential mineral known for centuries, that has different qualities that are beneficial for our organism and that lends itself to the most varied applications, from beauty care to wellness and fitness.


Magnesium: Some good reasons to always include it in your daily diet - 1

First of all, magnesium is a very useful component to reinforce the skeletal system. Usually, when we talk about bones, the first mineral that comes to mind is calcium, contained in many foods, particularly in milk and its derivatives. However, magnesium is equally important, so much so that people who do not get enough are more likely to experience bone fractures.

Sleeping and resting well are essential to maintaining an optimal state of health, both physical and mental. In some cases, rest can be hindered by cramps, tension, and muscle pain, and here also the consumption of magnesium is indicated because it relaxes muscles and guarantees a good sleep. 

There are really many factors that can create a good mood and that intervene to relieve stress, depression or anxiety. Magnesium is one of the main elements that can help in determining and maintaining a peaceful emotional condition that is distinguished by feelings of peace and calm. 

Another disorder to which magnesium acts as an antagonist is abdominal swelling, thanks to its ability to combat fluid retention. Adequate doses of this mineral are also capable of treating or preventing constipation.

Magnesium: Some good reasons to always include it in your daily diet - 2

In light of these data, it is easy to understand how much it is necessary to integrate magnesium into one's diet. If you are unable to consume sufficient doses with just food, you can also use multivitamin and multi-mineral supplements.

The essential thing, however, is to always ask your doctor for advice, because even when it comes to simple supplements, you need to be sure that they do not have contraindications or interactions with drugs that you currently use.

In a balanced diet, which contains, for example, whole grains, beans, dried fruit, and spinach, it is easy to find the quantity of magnesium that the body needs, without the help of any pharmacological aids.
