Signs our body might send us when we are putting ourselves under too much stress

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 01, 2019

Signs our body might send us when we are putting ourselves under too much stress

More and more people are experiencing disorders ranging from dermatitis to states of anxiety to problems related to nutrition.

Most of the symptoms, which may appear at first to be distinctly separate, actually have a common thread.

Namely, stress, which is a condition that we think is only mental and which instead manifests itself on the body in very specific ways.

Here are the signals that the body sends us to let us know that we are experiencing excessive stress.

via Health Line

Orrling and Tomer S/Wikimedia

Orrling and Tomer S/Wikimedia

  • Back pains. Chronic stress conditions lead to excessive production of cortisol and an overload of the adrenal glands. One of the symptoms of excessive stress is back pain, located in the lower part, where - not surprisingly - the glands are located.
  • Intestinal disorders. When one is under stress, there is an increase in catecholamines, neurotransmitters that can alter the mucus located in the inner lining of the intestinal tract. Furthermore, this system is closely linked to the nervous system and reacts immediately with phenomena such as constipation or diarrhea if the central nervous system is disturbed by stress. 
  • Effects on the brain. Cortisol has a direct effect on neuronal cells: it not only damages cells in the hippocampal region but it also speeds up the aging of brain matter.
Signs our body might send us when we are putting ourselves under too much stress - 2

In general, our body, however, provides us with several warning signs that can help us prevent prolonged damage, especially with regard to our brain. In addition to the typical pains and intestinal irregularity, other events to pay attention to can be: 

  • Loss of memory or fogging (even briefly) of the cognitive abilities we are usually used to; 
  • Imbalances of the skeletal or muscular apparatus; 
  • Hormonal problems that occur with irregularities in the menstrual cycle; 
  • Changes in carbohydrate metabolism and unmotivated accumulation of fat in the body; 
  • Skin irritations; 
  • Recurrent headaches seemingly without apparent causes or triggers; 
  • A particularly vulnerable immune system. 

When some of these symptoms reappear and - following medical exams- they do not seem to be linked to detectable diseases, it is very likely that they are rooted in the nervous system and that the symptoms are triggered by stress.

It could be an internalized concern for a financial situation, for an unresolved family issue or a fear that we cannot admit to. It could also be simply a problem of erratic and low-quality sleep at night, caused by a high level of stress at work. 

Whatever the reason, you should never underestimate it and it must be acknowledged and dealt with before it leads to more serious consequences.
