21 cats to whom Mother Nature decided to give a cat coat a little out of the ordinary!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 01, 2019

21 cats to whom Mother Nature decided to give a cat coat a little out of the ordinary!

Each cat's coat is a bit like fingerprints for human beings. Therefore, for cats, it is unlikely that there are two cats with the exact same coat pattern or coloring.

In fact, although cats may look similar, there is always some variance of color or differences in coat patterns that distinguish one cat from another. 

Surely, the cats in this photo gallery will not have been often confused with other cats!

As a matter of fact, each of them has a cat coat that is so particular as to be unique in the world. How many other cats can you find with a perfect heart shape on its side or a bolt of lightning on its forehead?

 1. This cat seems to be reminding us to smile.

 1. This cat seems to be reminding us to smile.

_Cowley / Reddit


2. Could this cat be related to Harry Potter?

2. Could this cat be related to Harry Potter?

TheThingInTheCorner / Reddit

3. Do you also see a cat with another cat on its back?

3. Do you also see a cat with another cat on its back?

MouthSpray / Reddit

4. This cat is ... love.

4. This cat is ... love.

gutollyr / Reddit

5. A dragon in flight on the back of its head.

5. A dragon in flight on the back of its head.

vikingfairy / Reddit


6. This must be Batman's cat.

6. This must be Batman's cat.

battousaiyngwie / Reddit

7. These goggles fit this cat perfectly!

7. These goggles fit this cat perfectly!

TheOriginalSamBell / Reddit


8. Well, as they say ... sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!

8. Well, as they say ... sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words!

slayrgerl / Reddit

9. This is not the classic "M" that all cats have; take a closer look ...

9. This is not the classic "M" that all cats have; take a closer look ...

kajaaaa / Reddit


10. He is number 1 ... and he wants everyone to know it!

10. He is number 1 ... and he wants everyone to know it!

kramlite / Imgur

11. Admit it, at first glance, there seemed to be four eyes. Right? Right! 👀

11. Admit it, at first glance, there seemed to be four eyes. Right? Right! 👀

wtdarn / Reddit


12. Do you see the sword, too?

12. Do you see the sword, too?

maisiedaise / Reddit

13. In another life, this cat must have been a geography teacher.

13. In another life, this cat must have been a geography teacher.

geofferoni / Reddit


14. Obviously, a real "gentleman" cat with his elegant mustache and goatee.

14. Obviously, a real "gentleman" cat with his elegant mustache and goatee.

coiso97 / Reddit

15. Another cat and another lovely heart.

15. Another cat and another lovely heart.

alidotcom / Imgur


16. To every cat its mustache!

16. To every cat its mustache!

smeaglecat / Imgur

17. Did this cat escape from the Bermuda Triangle?

17. Did this cat escape from the Bermuda Triangle?


18. This pretty little cat certainly doesn't need any makeup.

18. This pretty little cat certainly doesn't need any makeup.

CoachFrontbutt / Reddit

19. What is that splotch doing in the middle of all that white fur? It's hard to say ...

19. What is that splotch doing in the middle of all that white fur? It's hard to say ...

redneckshamisen / Reddit

20. This cat could be easily mistaken for a sleeping panda bear ...

20. This cat could be easily mistaken for a sleeping panda bear ...

Kbouds / Reddit

21. A fan of Zorro.

21. A fan of Zorro.

Disco_Jones / Reddit

22. Streaks ... circular? Yes, circular streaks!

22. Streaks ... circular? Yes, circular streaks!

seaXmonster / Imgur

23. A "pointer" nose.

23. A "pointer" nose.

Unknown / Reddit

24. Some people see a dinosaur ... and you?

24. Some people see a dinosaur ... and you?

TVK777 / Reddit
