A study reveals that all women after they pass 33 years of age, begin to look like their mother

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 28, 2019

A study reveals that all women after they pass 33 years of age, begin to look like their mother

We all went through that phase of adolescence in which we rebelled against our parents and sometimes hated them.

Well, it seems that this phase of "rebellion" does not last very long and that quite soon, instead, we actually end up becoming exactly like our parents!

A doctor has identified that women end up imitating their mothers, while men end up looking like their fathers: but what the doctor found most curious is that the transition takes place at a very precise age ... 

And you, have you already passed that age?

Dylan Walters/Flickr

Dylan Walters/Flickr

As Freud explained in his psychoanalytic theories, conflict inevitably arises between children and parents of the same sex, which according to the situation can be either more or less openly declared.

In any case, both females and males, especially in the adolescent period of their lives, try to differentiate themselves from their parents.

According to plastic surgeon Julian De Silvia, author of the research that led to this curious discovery, it is a transitory phase only, because the destiny of each of us is to become exactly like the parent of our same sex.

Lukas Portner/Flickr

Lukas Portner/Flickr

Women begin to look like their mothers at the age of about 33: most likely this figure coincides with the average age in which most women become mothers, and consequently, find a natural model to follow in their mother. 

Similarly, also men cannot escape this seemingly natural law: for them, the age at which they begin to imitate their father is when they are 30 years old, the age in which young people often are forced to face life  with maturity, and they are inspired by the teachings of their father or simply by his actions in the past. 

"We all become our parents at some point in life - and this is something we should be proud of. The fact of becoming parents ourselves is the element that most encourages this transformation, along with other lifestyle factors", said the plastic surgeon De Silva. 

Unfortunately, many people do not accept this truth and maintain an attitude of rebellion against their parents for much longer; in fact, if you think about it, you will probably deny that you have become like your mother or your father, but at the same time you will hold the research to be valid! Is it not so?

