This drawing helps us understand why couples are often not able to understand each other

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 16, 2019

This drawing helps us understand why couples are often not able to understand each other

In a relationshipit is normal to argue. In fact, the opposite would be strange because a couple that never argues is a couple with problems.

We fight instinctively because we do not give the right attention to the words spoken or we let ourselves go due to fatigue.

In any case, regarding those who do not argue, perhaps, it is because they keep everything inside or because they have no interest in solving knotty problems --- but we know all too well how couples like this end up. 

But then, why do happy couples often experience misunderstandings and quarrels? Here is a drawing that, although quite simple, clearly shows the reason.

This drawing helps us understand why couples are often not able to understand each other - 1

In relationships, especially in love relationships, it is fundamental to know how to change one's point of view and to put oneself in the other's shoes. More often, however, one remains stuck in their own way of thinking and inflexible in one's way of seeing things. 

This drawing teaches us that in life and in love it is fundamental to know how to see things from a different perspective, for example from that of the partner. Here is the story behind the drawing.

A man and a woman find themselves in a situation where the help of both is fundamental. It is necessary for the man to use all his strength to pull up his partner, but also that she grabs and clings to the recess in the cliff wall to facilitate her ascent. 

The woman, however, does not know that there is a huge boulder on the man's back that is crushing him. The man, on the other hand, does not know that in the recess in the cliff wall there is a snake that is biting the woman. 

The two continue to yell at each other: 

She: "I'm going to fall! Why don't you try to pull a bit harder?"
He: "I can't do it! Why don't you try to climb up a little more?"

The moral of the drawing is very simple! In life, we interact with others without knowing about their problems, and others interact with us completely unaware of ours. 

But when there is love, family or affection in the middle, you have to make an effort to always try to understand the other person and then to understand each other. This is the key to emerging unscathed from quarrels, and becoming even stronger than before!
