Here is what a mature woman expects from a love relationship

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 02, 2019

Here is what a mature woman expects from a love relationship

The term "mature woman" does not refer to age, but to a woman who has achieved a certain degree of knowledge about herself, who knows what she wants, and "who" she wants by her side.

In a couple's relationship, this type of woman has very specific expectations; nothing transcendental, only the essentials to lay the foundations of a concrete love relationship between two people.

Here is an example of what to do in order not to disappoint and above all, not let a woman like that escape.


Here is what a mature woman expects from a love relationship - 1

Give your attention. Today's world offers too many distractions, from personal commitments to being always glued to your smartphone, whether it is for work or for a simple pastime. When you are with someone you have to really be there, that is to say not to be with anyone else. Looking your partner in the eyes,  giving her a compliment for her clothes, noticing her new hairstyle or something special that she is wearing, will make her feel like she is the only person who matters

Be gallant. Chivalry is not dead, it has only retreated. It is said that now, it is women who are too independent, and they discourage men or that women have been forced to become more enterprising because "there are no longer reliable men like there were in the past". Regardless of who has really "started" this situation, no woman will ever say no to a polite gesture like opening the car door. Rediscovering small and polite gestures that are somewhat old-fashioned does not detract from the roles that have been conquered today; on the contrary, it can only do everyone concerned good.



Show good manners and respect. There are many small and important daily gestures that can make the difference between really having regard for someone and not caring. Such as looking at another woman in an exaggerated manner when your own is next to you, silencing her while she is expressing an opinion or belittling her ideas, and offending her intelligence. Showing real consideration for those you love involves manifesting it in a tangible way, not just saying it in words

Be inventive. You can give her a bouquet of flowers or bring breakfast to bed even when there is no birthday or anniversary to celebrate, or you can send an unexpected message or improvise an evening out by canceling a work appointment. Very often what turns off the passion and affection in a couple is too much routine, predictability, and taking things for granted. Not much is needed to change the course of a day, and after all, life is made of many days one after the other, so let's try to make them better.
