Losing a dog can sometimes break our heart just like losing a loved one

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 03, 2019

Losing a dog can sometimes break our heart just like losing a loved one

Anyone with a dog knows from experience that this animal is truly, "man's best friend". In every moment, happy or sad, your four-legged friend is there with you, ready to give you a smile and be cuddled.

Your dog eagerly awaits you and welcomes you with joy when you return home, and if it were up to your dog, the two of you would never be separated because you are the center of its universe. And whoever has a dog recognizes this unconditional love and returns it.

For this reason, losing a dog is as painful as losing a loved one, as science also confirms.

via psychologytoday.com



A dog is a constant companion in the life of its owner, and it is normal that a strong bond is created, comparable to human relationships. In fact, science claims that when we become friends and bond with our dog, we use our brain exactly as if we were relating to a person

For this reason, friendship with a dog is comparable to any other - within its specificity, it should be understood. Maybe we will not go out for an aperitif together and vent about a misunderstanding at work or with our partner; but our dog is there when we need it, to offer us comfort in the manner that it is capable of giving. And it is also there to share with you the beautiful moments, as well as your free time, filling it with joy and fun. He is our companion, a faithful and beloved presence that counters loneliness. Our dog becomes an integral part of our life, to the point that its needs and rhythms become ours.



So when our dog passes away, that daily routine suddenly breaks, and we find ourselves alone. This emptiness can be too heavy to bear for some, and given what dogs represent for their owners, namely, companionship, comfort, and a constant positive presence - how could they be blamed? 

They spent years caring for their four-legged friend, and its death can even make them feel guilty in some way as if they are responsible for not being able to save their dog. 

For these reasons, it may take a long time and a lot of tears to be able to overcome the loss of one's dog, unlike some people think who believe that one should recover quickly. 

In conclusion, enjoy your dog, live intensely the moments spent together, and when it will no longer be by your side, cry freely, and remember that your four-legged friend will live forever in your memories and in your heart.
