A man finds a baby squirrel abandoned on his bed and decides to raise it

by Shirley Marie Bradby

November 20, 2018

A man finds a baby squirrel abandoned on his bed and decides to raise it

It was a day like many others when a young couple Michael and Christina found something unusual on their bed: two newborn squirrels

Near their 10th story apartment, in New York City, a construction site had destroyed a mother squirrel's nest, and evidently, she had crawled in their window and made one for her little ones there, on their bed, with twigs and leaves. The couple tried in vain to get the squirrel to take her babies back into the wild.

But, after several tries, the squirrel left and did not come back. One of the two tiny baby squirrels, unfortunately, did not make it and the couple decided to do something to save the second baby squirrel.

This is its story, the story of a somewhat peculiar squirrel, who stole the hearts of this young and compassionate couple.

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Right from the start, Michael and Christina had to think of a way to feed the little newborn squirrel, that was so tiny that it could fit in the shell of a walnut!

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

The only thing they could think of was to give it some milk through a small pipette aka eye dropper connected to a syringe, and the baby squirrel began to eat and grow.

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Michael and Christina decided to adopt the squirrel, which they discovered to be a female, and they named her Thumbelina.

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Once grown, the two young people tried to reinsert Thumbelina back into her natural habitat, but she would have none of it! 

She does not particularly like being with other squirrels, she does not like climbing, jumping or running, she just likes being with her two adoptive parents. 

In fact, the two often ask themselves who Thumbelina thinks she is  --- certainly not an animal.

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

Little Thumbelina Girl/Facebook

In any case, Thumbelina has decided to stay with them, the ones who have taken care of her since birth and for her, they are her parents --- and she is happy with Michael and Christina. 

The story of this somewhat particular family might seem a little strange: how could it be possible for a wild animal, like a squirrel, to refuse to live among the trees and its own kind?

Yet, that seems to be the case, at least it is for Thumbelina. Perhaps, the boundary between humans and animals is not as clear-cut as it may appear to be.

Perhaps, it is a different kind of boundary from what we have always imagined and perhaps one day we will understand it.
