24 reasons why the dachshund is one of the most adorable dogs in the world!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 01, 2018

24 reasons why the dachshund is one of the most adorable dogs in the world!

Dachshunds are a breed of German dogs famous on the Internet for their cuteness and friendly nature. They have slowly conquered the forums and discussion boards of the main social networks, where you can find dachshunds in all types of situations or clothing.

With a cheerful and lively character, they manage to get a laugh out of just about everyone, thanks also to the innumerable images and videos that have been posted and shared online. But why exactly are these dogs so adorable and loved by everyone?

Well, just take a look at the following 24 images that try to answer this question ... 

1. They are very kind and peaceful dogs

1. They are very kind and peaceful dogs

tdburn1 / reddit


2. They have an appropriate look for every occasion!

2. They have an appropriate look for every occasion!

mephistophelesjanx / Imgur

3. They manage to soften up even the most ferocious animals ...

3. They manage to soften up even the most ferocious animals ...

Barcroft TV / Youtube

4. And they themselves also know how to be incredibly loving!

4. And they themselves also know how to be incredibly loving!

5. They are courageous in the face of fearful enemies ...

5. They are courageous in the face of fearful enemies ...

little_king7 / Reddit


6. They care about their personal hygiene

6. They care about their personal hygiene

In4theKill / Reddit

7. They offer moral support ... and not only!

7. They offer moral support ... and not only!

da_martian / reddit


8. They help you with gardening tasks ...

9. They manage to be extremely convincing!

9. They manage to be extremely convincing!

andrewthehuber / Reddit


 10. Oh, no! Did somebody just drink some of their owner's beer?

 10. Oh, no! Did somebody just drink some of their owner's beer?

Sleepercivic / Reddit

11. They always manage to find a solution to a problem!


12. They are excellent copilots.

12. They are excellent copilots.

toowhitetofail / Reddit

13. They can easily make friends!


14. They know how to strike a pose --- usually very funny ones!

15. They are elegant on every occasion!


 16. And they have a look that is very seductive!

17. They also have excellent taste in design and decor

18. As space travelers, they are willing to boldly go where no dog has gone before. ...

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

To infinity and beyond 🚀 🌍

Un post condiviso da Alfie (@alfie.dachshund) in data:

 19. They have friends of all kinds!

20. Their paws have healing powers ...

21. However, they are not always able to stick to a diet ...

22. They are good listeners! What's on your mind?

23. They love to participate in water pranks ...

 24. And they always choose the least suitable places to take a nap!

Dachshunds always manage to be funny and adorable at the same time, therefore, certainly living with them will never be boring and uneventful! And what do you think of these irresistible dogs?    
