24 memorable moments that have marked the life of these people in an indelible way

by Shirley Marie Bradby

September 13, 2018

24 memorable moments that have marked the life of these people in an indelible way

Life is an adventure that holds for us all kinds of intense emotions. Those that are pleasant remind us of joy, love, laughter and shared moments that fill the heart and give us confidence in the future.

Then there are those moments that are less pleasant or even very adverse when we experience pain, anxietiesand worries due to unexpected events, setbacks, failure, and obstacles, yet it our reaction to these events that can make all the difference.

Change is the distinctive feature of every situation. In fact, change can be scary or give hope, but the moments of change that have marked our lives for us become unforgettable!

The photos that follow immortalize some very meaningful and powerful moments in the life of these people.

1. After waiting for so long, the most beautiful day of their life is certainly unforgettable!

1. After waiting for so long, the most beautiful day of their life is certainly unforgettable!



2. An unexpected gift that marks the beginning of a new friendship.

2. An unexpected gift that marks the beginning of a new friendship.

unknown author/imgur

3. It has been four years since he stopped using drugs, and now he has a job, a house, and a girlfriend --- accomplishments to be proud of ...

3. It has been four years since he stopped using drugs, and now he has a job, a house, and a girlfriend --- accomplishments to be proud of ...


4. In convalescence after saving his 16-year-old owner from a thief. These are heroic wounds to remember as they are a testimony to this dog's selfless bravery!

4. In convalescence after saving his 16-year-old owner from a thief. These are heroic wounds to remember as they are a testimony to this dog's selfless bravery!


5. The first day of kindergarten and now the first day of college! One thing is constant, namely, the presence of his father by his side.

5. The first day of kindergarten and now the first day of college! One thing is constant, namely, the presence of his father by his side.



6. The first historical meeting of an intimate book club founded by this mother and son.

6. The first historical meeting of an intimate book club founded by this mother and son.


7. After seven years of online friendship, finally they meet and their joy is immediate and boundless.

7. After seven years of online friendship, finally they meet and their joy is immediate and boundless.



8. The house next door caught on fire and this man did not hesitate to intervene! He had already been in action for five minutes before the local firefighters arrived!

8. The house next door caught on fire and this man did not hesitate to intervene! He had already been in action for five minutes before the local firefighters arrived!


9. You never forget the day you won a Mac Book Air for one dollar! Such events are more unique than rare!

9. You never forget the day you won a Mac Book Air for one dollar! Such events are more unique than rare!

unknown author/imgu


10. His illness has marked his life forever and wants to prevent others from ever having such an experience.

10. His illness has marked his life forever and wants to prevent others from ever having such an experience.


11. A memorable meeting with the best Uber driver in New York! This taxi driver has transported more than 10,000 people, speaks 4 languages, and at night he studies to become a computer programmer!

11. A memorable meeting with the best Uber driver in New York! This taxi driver has transported more than 10,000 people, speaks 4 languages, and at night he studies to become a computer programmer!



12. A close encounter with a cute little red panda bear.

12. A close encounter with a cute little red panda bear.


13. It is the first time this child has seen snow and she seems to be in seventh heaven!

13. It is the first time this child has seen snow and she seems to be in seventh heaven!



14. When jogging on the street and you accept a challenge on the fly, to test your limits ... of speed!

14. When jogging on the street and you accept a challenge on the fly, to test your limits ... of speed!


15. Born three months premature due to a defect in the placenta, this little baby is finally strong and healthy and can now go back home with her mother!

15. Born three months premature due to a defect in the placenta, this little baby is finally strong and healthy and can now go back home with her mother!



16. Receiving the kidney that has been so long awaited on the first of January is the best way to start the year!

16. Receiving the kidney that has been so long awaited on the first of January is the best way to start the year!

downvotesarefunny/ reddit

17. After 15 years, this cactus has finally bloomed!

17. After 15 years, this cactus has finally bloomed!


18. Her wife has successfully completed chemotherapy, and her joyful emotion is so palpable that even the dogs are infected!

18. Her wife has successfully completed chemotherapy, and her joyful emotion is so palpable that even the dogs are infected!


19. After piloting fighter planes from Navy aircraft carriers, becoming an Air Force colonel, and flying for 25 years with Northwest / Delta Airlines, this is his last day at work!

19. After piloting fighter planes from Navy aircraft carriers, becoming an Air Force colonel, and flying for 25 years with Northwest / Delta Airlines, this is his last day at work!


20. A scene that seems to be taken from a film! A marriage proposal in the middle of an ice rink in the city!

20. A scene that seems to be taken from a film! A marriage proposal in the middle of an ice rink in the city!


21. The first time a 98-year-old grandfather uses a computer --- a historical moment!

21. The first time a 98-year-old grandfather uses a computer --- a historical moment!


22. The first sculpture sold by her mother

22. The first sculpture sold by her mother


23. The first snow after 25 years in a city in Mexico!

23. The first snow after 25 years in a city in Mexico!


24. A beer to celebrate on the last day at work before retiring!

24. A beer to celebrate on the last day at work before retiring!

unknown author/imgur
