15 photos that show us that without our mothers this world would not be such a welcoming place!

Every moment a miracle happens, despite the fact that we are so busy with our own daily obstacle course --- that we do not notice it.
What is this miracle? It is the birth of new creatures, both in the animal and human world! It is a miracle that happens without anyone having to establish any rules and in a wonderfully spontaneous way.
Although we, human beings, turn to specialized doctors to give birth to our children, all the stages of pregnancy - from conception to childbirth - respond only to one conductor, Mother Nature.
These beautiful pictures remind us how magical and profound motherhood truly is.
It does not matter if the mother walks on two or four legs. A mother is always a mother!
Mum's body is always more comfortable than any bed.

Mum will always be there to protect us. She will watch over us when we are young as we sleep and when we grow up and face the challenges of life.

There is an invisible thread that binds mothers of any species to their offspring.

For a mother, all her children are the same. Her love for each of them is equally infinite.

Of course, motherhood is not always all roses! But the joy of seeing their offspring grow gives mothers the strength to overcome every gray moment.

Just became a mom 24 hours ago! You can read the joy mixed with uncertainty in this mom's eyes. A typical feeling for all new mothers.

Without our mother's teachings, we would not be what we are today.

This is really embracing motherhood! :)

Oh yes, sometimes children can seem to be suffocating!

Every gesture of a mother is moved by a deep feeling of love.

In every corner of the planet, there is a mother who is teaching her children how to live.

Even if at first, the little ones will do nothing but drink their mother's milk!

The joy of having become a mother!

There are no words that can describe motherhood We can only remain enchanted seeing this miracle happen again and again!