21 absurdities of fashion to which we really cannot find an explanation

You may have seen photos of the past when the fashions were completely different. It will have seemed strange to you that people wore "bell-bottomed" pants (flared trousers) or teased or cottoned their hair to create exaggeratedly sized hairstyles.
The fact is that often we do not realize how much a current trend is insane, or objectively in bad taste, especially when the people launching it are important fashion houses or celebrities.
Consequently, we are often offered really horrible fashion ideas like these!
A shoe style that is a sporty-elegant mix that failed.

Which of you has never wanted to feel like a mermaid?

Perhaps, it has an orthopedic function?

Here's what happens when a stylist wants to do something that comes close to nature!

Cute kittens on your knees, but why this design?

In a word? Horrible.

No, it's not a joke --- they really exist.

A fashion solution for those who want to ward off cold chills.

There is nothing else to add!

When the high-waist top returns to fashion.

A reference to Barbie.

Ideal ... but not for walking.

A new beach fashion.

A sweater for the mid-seasons.

Incredible how fashion finds inspiration from everyday life!

Do you have any extra car mats?

Practically, speaking these are pieces of leftovers of jeans sewn together.

Another collage of jeans.

For the scorching heat, this is excellent.

We hope that at least , that she paid half price!

For those who cannot give up wearing boots even in August.
