A man starts by feeding some raccoons but when he opens the door he realizes his mistake!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 16, 2018

A man starts by feeding some raccoons but when he opens the door he realizes his mistake!

Very often the cute and tender appearance of a wild animal makes us forget that contact with human beings can be a reason for big imbalances in the hunting dynamics and other behaviors and that we should leave the management to Mother Nature.

An example of this is the gesture of a man who, for some reason, started to leave small quantities of food on the porch of his house to the delight of some raccoons.

In a short time, however, the news spread that at his house it was easy to get plenty to eat --- until one day, opening the door of his house, the man was faced with an incredible scene.

He started it all by giving a raccoon a few snacks ...

He started it all by giving a raccoon a few snacks ...


Remember that it is always better not to alter the balance and the dynamics of the animal world, and this man finally realized this when he opened the door and found his porch literally invaded by dozens of raccoons. The scene is so incredible that it ends up being funny, but we hope that it has served to make this man understand how a gesture he thought was harmless can actually become quite troublesome!
