12 photos that will leave you with more than a few questions in your head!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 17, 2018

12 photos that will leave you with more than a few questions in your head!

Asking yourself too many questions sometimes does not lead to any solutions! This is because in some cases there is really no answer that satisfies your questions.

Those you will see in this article are 12 cases of this kind and we advise you to just accept them for what they are, without investigating how it could happen or what prompted a person to make that precise gesture!

This team of firefighters is pulling a car down from a balcony.

This team of firefighters is pulling a car down from a balcony.



A live cat in an empty five-gallon water jug

A live cat in an empty five-gallon water jug

fiftystorms / imgur

It's time for bean soup!

It's time for bean soup!


I wonder if this person is still alive ...

I wonder if this person is still alive ...

A bike grown in a tree, or a tree grown on a bike?

A bike grown in a tree, or a tree grown on a bike?

KendianaJones Burien / tripadvisor


Do not ask yourself how he did it --- honestly, nobody knows.

Do not ask yourself how he did it --- honestly, nobody knows.


Why make a package of sweets, known for its bright colors, in black and white?

Why make a package of sweets, known for its bright colors, in black and white?



The end of the sidewalk could be seen hundreds of feet away.

Tonight for dinner, baked beans in a shoe.


Well, it's the right size ...

Un post condiviso da TAY HAM ™ (@tay.ham) in data:

Maybe, someone had a high blood alcohol content?

Un post condiviso da Steve Huxley (@blueginko) in data:


Now, this is collaboration!
