23 photos of people who seem to be literally born under a lucky star!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 10, 2018

23 photos of people who seem to be literally born under a lucky star!

Have you ever wondered if luck exists or not? Well, the answer is yes, but only for some individuals.

There are no words to describe the incredible strokes of luck that happened to the protagonists of these photos, consequently, saving their lives or suddenly presenting them with situations of great convenience or pleasure.

If you have had "miracles" like that happen to you, then you can understand how they felt; in the opposite case, you will undoubtedly remain stunned and speechless!

1. A smartphone that has been saved by a hair from landing in the toilet water! Not bad, eh?

1. A smartphone that has been saved by a hair from landing in the toilet water! Not bad, eh?

© unknown author / imgur


2. The luck to find a five-leaf clover!

2. The luck to find a five-leaf clover!

© sorenipple / imgur

3. When your Kit-Kat is filled to the max with chocolate!

3. When your Kit-Kat is filled to the max with chocolate!

© Inonz / reddit

4. This boy was invited to a Jacuzzi party by the most beautiful girls at his school.

4. This boy was invited to a Jacuzzi party by the most beautiful girls at his school.

© akbl55 / reddit

5. The perfect yogurt -- thick and creamy!

5. The perfect yogurt -- thick and creamy!

© IcandowhateverIlike / imgur


6. A squirrel that has miraculously saved itself from the chainsaw!

6. A squirrel that has miraculously saved itself from the chainsaw!

© mebrotha / imgur

7. This guy's lemon tree has produced the biggest and juicy lemons ever seen!

7. This guy's lemon tree has produced the biggest and juicy lemons ever seen!

© thesecondmissbennet / imgur


8. He ordered three donuts but the third one was large enough for at least five!

8. He ordered three donuts but the third one was large enough for at least five!

© Bdgrocks1 / imgur

9. Wow, missed by a hair!

9. Wow, missed by a hair!

© Omichhh / pikabu


10. The keys of any other person would have fallen down the crack ...

10. The keys of any other person would have fallen down the crack ...

© Pomadka / pikabu

11. A tunnel that was tailor-made just for your truck!

11. A tunnel that was tailor-made just for your truck!

© unknown author / imgur


12. It is only luck that saved his fingers from the meat slicer!

12. It is only luck that saved his fingers from the meat slicer!

© unknown author / imgur

13. When you realize that you have probably bought the biggest banana in the world ...

13. When you realize that you have probably bought the biggest banana in the world ...

© ImIntoAnythingReally / imgur


14. A peanut inside an avocado. How lucky is that?!

14. A peanut inside an avocado. How lucky is that?!

© DminorFmajor / reddit

15. Finding the crispest nut-filled chocolate bar of all time ...

15. Finding the crispest nut-filled chocolate bar of all time ...

© 44lon5 / pikabu


Only one person in a million is able to find a checkout point in a supermarket WITHOUT a long line of customers when he or she is in a hurry!

Only one person in a million is able to find a checkout point in a supermarket WITHOUT a long line of customers when he or she is in a hurry!

© monty82 / imgur

17. That nail could have been pushed up into the heel, but instead penetrated only the most superficial layer of the skin!

17. That nail could have been pushed up into the heel, but instead penetrated only the most superficial layer of the skin!

© orangeoranger / pikabu

18. When you really want a pizza with lots of vegetables ... and it looks exactly like you imagined it.

18. When you really want a pizza with lots of vegetables ... and it looks exactly like you imagined it.

© waliicStar / imgur

21. A lucky squirrel always falls where the ground is soft!

21. A lucky squirrel always falls where the ground is soft!

© drbatookhan / imgur

22. Is this by chance Gladstone Gander's car? --- Donald Duck's lucky cousin?!

22. Is this by chance Gladstone Gander's car? --- Donald Duck's lucky cousin?!

© Bald3r / imgur

23. A two-layer Oreo. Yum!

23. A two-layer Oreo. Yum!

© unknown author / imgur

24. Will the same luck also be manifested once the showcase is opened?

24. Will the same luck also be manifested once the showcase is opened?

© ppushmeupp / imgur

25. It seems like these trees avoided falling on these three cars intentionally! Wow!

25. It seems like these trees avoided falling on these three cars intentionally! Wow!

© mmvds / pikabu
