26 surreal images that seem to come from another planet!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 05, 2018

26 surreal images that seem to come from another planet!

Are you passionate about unexplained events? Do surreal coincidences fascinate you a lot?

There is no need to take refuge in science fiction movies or in the dreamy atmosphere of a David Lynch film because reality alone already offers many situations that can surprise us and make us wonder!

Browsing through the incredible amount of photographs that are produced (deliberately or randomly) every day, we have collected 26 images that seem to come from a parallel dimension or an alternate reality. Have fun!

1. And you thought that you had seen everything?

1. And you thought that you had seen everything?

OutFerARipAreYaBud / reddit


2. Christmas ... in the movie "Matrix".

2. Christmas ... in the movie "Matrix".

8784863 / reddit

3. Things that happen in Austria

3. Things that happen in Austria

snoblitz / reddit

4. How long is this cat?

4. How long is this cat?

detexis / pikabu

5. An exhilarating family scene ...

5. An exhilarating family scene ...



6. Have I drunk too much?

6. Have I drunk too much?

Zewzur / imgur

7. Clouds in Japan

7. Clouds in Japan

corteslakers / reddit


8. Rubbing your eyes is still not enough ...

8. Rubbing your eyes is still not enough ...

bigshmoo / reddit

9. As if a Disney movie had become reality

9. As if a Disney movie had become reality

hjh17 / reddit


10. One of them needs to rest ...

10. One of them needs to rest ...

SuckieMcSuck / imgur

11. "I wore this shirt for two years wondering why the sleeves were black, then I met him."

11. "I wore this shirt for two years wondering why the sleeves were black, then I met him."

CXV_ / imgur


12. This window definitely defies ... logic!

12. This window definitely defies ... logic!

SweetMangos / reddit

13. This is the subject of nightmares

13. This is the subject of nightmares

NotAYuropean / reddit


14. No, it's not a Labrador ... it's a cat!

14. No, it's not a Labrador ... it's a cat!

Matteocray / imgur

15. One window faces autumn and the other one winter.

15. One window faces autumn and the other one winter.

hbrumage / reddit


16. The crazy hills of San Francisco ...

16. The crazy hills of San Francisco ...

dittidot / reddit

17. Do I dare him for an autograph?

17. Do I dare him for an autograph?

paul_j_britton / twitter

18. When reality looks like a video game with graphics from the 1990s.

18. When reality looks like a video game with graphics from the 1990s.

DoublePlusGoodGames / reddit

19. Do you believe in ghosts?

19. Do you believe in ghosts?

Zewzur / imgur

20. The gas station sign also displays the price of ... coffee.

20. The gas station sign also displays the price of ... coffee.

JoeyRobot / reddit

21. After seeing this, anything is possible.

21. After seeing this, anything is possible.

selrigo / reddit

22. An attack on mental health!

22. An attack on mental health!

SuckieMcSuck / imgur

23. Not quite like the original version ...

23. Not quite like the original version ...

rightn0w_ / reddit

24. Meanwhile, in another corner of the globe ...

24. Meanwhile, in another corner of the globe ...

APieceOfExpungedData / reddit

25. What is happening?

25. What is happening?

nick_gittelman / reddit

26. And finally, railroad tracks that turn into rivers ...

26. And finally, railroad tracks that turn into rivers ...

LANA_WHAT_DangerZone / reddit
