10 photos that show with a touch of irony life after the arrival of a child

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 20, 2017

10 photos that show with a touch of irony life after the arrival of a child

The arrival of a child (or more than one) can be experienced both as an immense joy and as a renunciation of the quality and quantity of time that was usually dedicated to themselves.

The important thing, in any case, is to live this change with philosophy and not to get depressed! Who said, in fact, that everything has to change?

If someone really knows what makes them happy, in the end, they can find beauty in all things!

1. "We loved parties and rock music before ... And now we still do!"

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

jennadanielle22/ Instagram


2. How much energy I had ... before becoming a mother!

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gottoddlered/ Instagram

3. Parties have a different feeling when you have children but the style is always the same!

Un post condiviso da This Is Us (@_hernandezfamily) in data:

_hernandezfamily/ Instagram

4. "Now in the selfie --- we are two!"

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gottoddlered/ Instagram

5. Two examples of sleepless nights. But the reason is just a "little" different!

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gottoddlered/ Instagram


6. Christmas parties then and today ... You learn to adapt!

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gottoddlered/ Instagram

7. "Before, maybe I had a little more time for personal care ... But what can you do?"

Un post condiviso da Ann (@anngardner5) in data:

anngardner5/ Instagram


8. Try to savor old times ... with two children by your side!

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gotteddlered/ Instagram

9. "Children become the protagonists of all your photos and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Un post condiviso da Got Toddlered (@gottoddlered) in data:

gottoddlered/ Instagram


10. Your winter holidays before and after your children arrived ...

Un post condiviso da Susanne Brink Ladegaard (@susannebrink) in data:

susannebrink/ Instagram
