An economical house that can be built in a few hours? It exists and is produced by an Italian company

by Shirley Marie Bradby

December 06, 2017

An economical house that can be built in a few hours? It exists and is produced by an Italian company

Nowadays, it has become increasingly difficult to buy a house. For many, the costs of new apartments are unaffordable and the possibilities of applying for a mortgage are increasingly limited; in short, taken all together this means that newlyweds are inclined to rent rather than buy an apartment or a house. 

But now thanks to this Italian company, Area Legno, things could be changing radically! In fact, this company intends to start a revolution and bring a sea change to the construction industry by producing "modular dwellings" (prefabricated foldable housing) that can be bought at a modest price. Let's take a look at what they are proposing! 

The project designed and produced by this Italian company is called M.A.DI HOME.

The project designed and produced by this Italian company is called M.A.DI HOME.



Just decide the place where you want your house to be "built" and in a few hours, the installation will be completed.

Just decide the place where you want your house to be "built" and in a few hours, the installation will be completed.


The structure consists of a wooden model, suitable both for brand new residential housing or to be used when there is a temporary lack of a permanent housing, for example in an area hit by an earthquake.

The structure consists of a wooden model, suitable both for brand new residential housing or to be used when there is a temporary lack of a permanent housing, for example in an area hit by an earthquake.


However, since it is a mobile structure, it must be borne in mind that this type of housing falls into a category that requires a building permit that is different from the norm.

However, since it is a mobile structure, it must be borne in mind that this type of housing falls into a category that requires a building permit that is different from the norm.


In any case, the structure is not only easy to build but it is also environment-friendly.

In any case, the structure is not only easy to build but it is also environment-friendly.



Not having typical foundations, a M.A.DI HOME can be conveniently moved to different places.

Not having typical foundations, a M.A.DI HOME can be conveniently moved to different places.


So how are they anchored to the ground on which they stand?

So how are they anchored to the ground on which they stand?



Do not worry! These houses are anchored to the ground thanks to an innovative ecological earth screw foundation system!

Do not worry! These houses are anchored to the ground thanks to an innovative ecological earth screw foundation system!


And also from the energy point of view, they are exceptional. In fact, solar panels or a complete solar roof can be installed to enjoy complete energy autonomy!

And also from the energy point of view, they are exceptional. In fact, solar panels or a complete solar roof can be installed to enjoy complete energy autonomy!


What if you want to decide the size of your modular home? No problem, there are the Tiny, that is to say, houses measuring 290 sq. ft. (27 sq. mt) ($33,150 / €28,000), the Young measuring 602 sq. ft. (56 sq. mt) ($54,450 / €46,000) and the Family obviously the largest, which in fact, proudly shows off its 904 sq. ft. (84 sq. mt) ($73,400 / €62,000). 

In closing, here is a practical video that will show you how easy it is to build one of these jewels of modern architecture.
