This little bat collided with a car and the video of its recovery is very entertaining

Have you had a bad day? These images will pleasantly distract you for a moment!
By the way, are you terrorized by the idea of bats? Then these images will make you reconsider and redimension this fear!
Why? Because this little bat, named Alicia fully intends to put a smile on your face!
When Alicia had recovered from her accident, the person who had nursed her back to health, made a video that captured images of Alicia totally concentrated on eating her favorite snack ...
This bat, which was named Alicia, was injured after having collided with a car.

The driver, however, stopped and promptly took the little bat to a veterinarian.
Once there, it was discovered that Alicia had not been seriously injured ... and that she really loves bananas!

Here is Alicia greedily eating her delicious snack ... isn't she adorable?

Alicia was very lucky because usually, this kind of accident has unpleasant consequences ...

But Alicia will be released back into nature as soon as she has recovered completely!

If you want to enjoy watching the tender and humorous scene, you can find it here in this video which was made and posted by the woman who took care of Alicia.