18 photos that look like one thing and instead are totally different from what you think!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

November 07, 2017

18 photos that look like one thing and instead are totally different from what you think!

When we are walking on the streets, sometimes we can fall victim to optical illusions that make us believe that we see something only to realize, after looking again more carefully, that it was only the fruit of our imagination. 

Today we wanted to gather for you, 18 sensational images that seem to portray certain situations that are out of the ordinary, instead, they are familiar objects or common situations, simply viewed from a deceptive perspective!

As you browse through the photo gallery, we are certain your eyes will immediately lead you in the wrong direction ...

1. Do you think this is a sculpture depicting the damned who are sliding down into hell?

1. Do you think this is a sculpture depicting the damned who are sliding down into hell?

hip_hop_opotimus | Reddit

No, it is actually solidified volcanic lava rock!


2. Do you think this is a loft or an auditorium?

2. Do you think this is a loft or an auditorium?

OsamaBinBob | Reddit

No, it is just the inside of a guitar!

3. Do you think this is a satellite image of a part of the Earth?

3. Do you think this is a satellite image of a part of the Earth?

vmos | Reddit

No, it is the frozen hood of a car!

4. Do you think this is a UFO flying over a forest?

4. Do you think this is a UFO flying over a forest?

Sighma | Reddit

No, it is a door handle on the dirty door of a car!

5. Do you think there are several animals in the photos?

5. Do you think there are several animals in the photos?

Malene Thyssen | Wikimedia

No, there is only one animal. What you see is the giant front leg of one anteater and not one or two pandas!


6. Do you think it is a house on fire?

6. Do you think it is a house on fire?

PeteLX | Reddit

No, it is just the reflection of the sunset!

7. Do you think this is a tropical island?

7. Do you think this is a tropical island?

pilaf | Reddit

No, it is just a small moss-covered rock in the middle of a water puddle!


8. Do you think this is an image of a rough ocean?

8. Do you think this is an image of a rough ocean?

jebleez | Reddit

No, it is a stormy sky!

9. Do you think this is the famous Firework Nebula?

9. Do you think this is the famous Firework Nebula?

agirlcalledher | Reddit

No, it is just ordinary fireworks with the relative smoke and not the famous GK Per aka Firework Nebula!


10. Do you think this is a painting?

10. Do you think this is a painting?

spicedpumpkins | Reddit

No, it is actually a real-life image of the Namib-Naukluft National Park in Namibia!

11. Do you think this is a photo of a tsunami?

11. Do you think this is a photo of a tsunami?

ErnestPwningway | Reddit

No, it is just a cloud!


12. Do you think this a slab of concrete?

12. Do you think this a slab of concrete?

majorwtf | Reddit

No, it is the city of New Delhi, India as seen from above!

13. Do you think Godzilla has come to town?

13. Do you think Godzilla has come to town?

ayobi_wan_kanobi | Reddit

No, it is just a lizard on a car windshield!


14. Do you think this an image of a car with a fridge and the trunk has been left open?

14. Do you think this an image of a car with a fridge and the trunk has been left open?

Flynnbojangels | Reddit

No, it is just the reflection of a refrigerator display case in a store that fits perfectly in the window!

15. You think this is a flat screen TV!

15. You think this is a flat screen TV!

Statussilver | Reddit

No, it is just a window with a lovely view!


16. Do you think that is plastic wrap covering the objects in the trash can?

16. Do you think that is plastic wrap covering the objects in the trash can?

Cog117 | Reddit

No, it is actually ice!

17. Do you think that is tuna inside a weird bread roll?

17. Do you think that is tuna inside a weird bread roll?

guntycankles | Reddit

No, it is the inside of a golf ball!

18. Do you think it was a lit cigarette that was put out on the ground?

18. Do you think it was a lit cigarette that was put out on the ground?

one-hour-photo | Reddit

No, it is actually a bent vehicle entrance blocking pole!
