Discover how to drill drainage holes in clay pots!

Having a green space inside a house is almost as critical as having a kitchen! Why? The main reason is that taking care of plants and flowers is able to relax us much more than many other methods.
Then there is the aesthetic aspect --- after entering a house that has lots of green plants you feel a sensation of life and well-being that gives positive energy to those who live there and to those who visit.
Do you still have doubts about why you should start to dedicate yourself to your garden or your "vegetable balcony"? Here are some tricks that will take your "green corner" to a whole new level ...
1. First, make sure the seeds are still good to plant.

Make this test --- place some seeds on a sheet of wet blotting paper and see what happens in three or four days. If green or white buds sprout, then, you can transplant the sprouted seeds into the ground.
2. A detail to hide (but not too much) in the garden.

Get some rocks and write the names of your family members on them and also an inspirational phrase such as "Our family is as strong as a rock!" What do you think?
3. Use rolls of toilet paper as a base for seedlings.

We all have a roll of finished toilet paper or one that is about to finish. Keep the inner carton; they are great to use to sprout seeds before you transplant them to the ground!
4. Label all the plants.

Keep the packaging of the seeds you plant! This will serve to label pots and recognize seedlings at a glance. Use long toothpicks to hold them in place.
5. Terracotta pots can also be special.

If you want to give a touch of personality to common clay pots, get some cans of spray paint. With some adhesive tape, you can create geometric motifs and spray on your favorite colors.
6. Keep the space clean.

When the seedlings in the clay pots are still young, they do not have roots sufficiently developed to prevent the soil from escaping through the openings on the bottom of the pots. If you do want to continue to see scattered soil, the solution is to place a coffee filter on the bottom of the pots! The coffee filter will biodegrade with time, and at the same time the seedlings will grow and their roots will develop their roots.
7. Automatic watering.

Fill a glass bottle (for example, of wine or beer) with water and turn it over and push the opening down into a flower pot. The water will only come out of the bottle when the soil requires it or when the soil is too dry.
8. Recycle or Upcycle!

Look how you can upcycle a shower caddy into a flower pot holder.
9. Restore plants that look almost dead!

Although they may seem dead, most dry plants still have a chance to come back to life. The secret is to cut off all the yellowed stems and leaves (even if this means eliminating almost the entire plant), then reduce exposure to the sun, and water the plant abundantly.
10.Make garden decorations with pots that are no longer used.

After years of gardening do you find yourself with an infinite accumulation of pots? If you do not know what to do with them, then here is an idea. Make a lighthouse that will guard your garden!
Well, these are a lot of good gardening ideas, but you still have not had enough, then we will leave you with a gardening tutorial! Remember! It is very important to ensure proper water drainage for plants, to avoid stagnation and the growth of fungus. If you have bought a clay pot that does not have a perforated bottom, here is how to prepare it for seedlings!