Ten household hacks that make life easier and cleaner!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 26, 2017

Ten household hacks that make life easier and cleaner!

It seems like you never stop cleaning, especially if you have small children or pets at home! Stains, dirt, dust, everything seems to always conspire against a perfectly clean home environment. 

Therefore, the dilemma remains even though a thousand types of detergents and household products are used every day to try to solve the problem ... and what if the solution was hiding behind a few simple tips?

Today we will reveal 10 fantastic and easy ways to keep your home clean without too much elbow grease, and only using "ingredients" that you will undoubtedly already have in the house ...

1. Need to clean the couch? Nothing simpler, just sprinkle baking soda over the affected areas, let it work for two minutes, and finish the job with a vacuum cleaner!

1. Need to clean the couch? Nothing simpler, just sprinkle baking soda over the affected areas, let it work for two minutes, and finish the job with a vacuum cleaner!



2. Remove traces of paint from clothes? Use a razor on the affected area, but do it slowly and you will see that it works!

2. Remove traces of paint from clothes? Use a razor on the affected area, but do it slowly and you will see that it works!


3. Would you like to clean the blinds? Use a mixture of vinegar and water! This is the most natural and least harmful way to capture the dust on these surfaces.

3. Would you like to clean the blinds? Use a mixture of vinegar and water! This is the most natural and least harmful way to capture the dust on these surfaces.


4. Trying to remove liquid stains from wood furniture? Just use a hair dryer ... and then apply olive oil to revive the wood.

4. Trying to remove liquid stains from wood furniture? Just use a hair dryer ... and then apply olive oil to revive the wood.


5. How to remove those horrible soap or shampoo stains from shower fixtures? Just rub with a lemon cut in half!

5. How to remove those horrible soap or shampoo stains from shower fixtures? Just rub with a lemon cut in half!



6. Want to finally clean the bathtub effectively? Mix baking soda, water, liquid soap and a few drops of antibacterial oil ... et voila!

6. Want to finally clean the bathtub effectively? Mix baking soda, water, liquid soap and a few drops of antibacterial oil ... et voila!


7. How to clean a non-stick frying pan? Just sprinkle some sea salt on the bottom and rub it using a paper towel and you will see how it well it works!

7. How to clean a non-stick frying pan? Just sprinkle some sea salt on the bottom and rub it using a paper towel and you will see how it well it works!



8. Do the baseboards need cleaning? You can use the special cleaning cloths used for dusting to collect all the dirt that lurks on them!

8. Do the baseboards need cleaning? You can use the special cleaning cloths used for dusting to collect all the dirt that lurks on them!


9. How to remove grease stains from clothes? Well, you need only to rub on some chalk and then put the item of clothing in the washing machine! Simple is not it?

9. How to remove grease stains from clothes? Well, you need only to rub on some chalk and then put the item of clothing in the washing machine! Simple is not it?



10. Is now the moment to finally dust and clean the interstices of your PC keyboard? Here is one the most ingenious methods of all --- use toothbrush bristles to reach the far corners and thoroughly clean your keyboard!

10. Is now the moment to finally dust and clean the interstices of your PC keyboard? Here is one the most ingenious methods of all --- use toothbrush bristles to reach the far corners and thoroughly clean your keyboard!

