After her wedding, this wife no longer leaves the house on her own: "My husband won't let me"

by Mark Bennett

July 01, 2023

After her wedding, this wife no longer leaves the house on her own: "My husband won't let me"

Being in love (and showing love) manifests itself in many ways in many cultures. But, above all, love should mean showing one's partner respect and allowing for their individual freedom. In fact, the ideal couple supports each other and fairly shares life's burdens. But in times past, a clear separation of roles and tasks was based on gender: basically the woman took care of the house and the children, while the man provided for the family's finances and security.

In modern times, these "distinctions" now resonate as bigoted and anachronistic. Today's focus is on "equality". But not everyone has gone along with this trend.

via Nypost

Holly Joyce, 28, states that she is deeply in love with her husband, Dougie. But this couple have made each other an unusual "promise", a verbal agreement between the two: Holly cannot leave the house without her husband accompanying her.

To be precise, she can do the shopping or go to the hairdresser on her own, but she is not allowed to go out with people or attend certain types of events without her husband. "Dougie's Irish family is very traditional and I have to submit to his decisions, and that's that," said the young woman in an interview.

Dougie is a professional bare knuckle fighter of some renown. When they met, Holly was a stewardess. You may be wondering why we are talking about Holly's career in the past tense.


Well, it's because Holly also had to give up her career, as demanded by Dougie: "I left my old life to be with him," Holly stated. But Holly doesn't think she's missing out on anything due to these new "life habits."

"I don't feel like I am making any sacrifices to obey his rules. I know he's so strict because he just wants to protect me and I don't actually give up anything important: when I want to go out, I just ask him. In any case, I'd prefer to do things with him, so it makes no difference," explained Holly.

Dougie is also very demanding with regard to the care of their home and their children: "He expects everything to be perfectly in order and to be always served and waited upon: he doesn't even pour himself a drink", confessed Molly. "In return", however, Dougie ensures she lives in total comfort and luxury: their wedding alone cost almost $70,000 dollars and the boxer owns a fleet of expensive cars. "He looks after me in every way possible, so if he's happy, so am I," Holly declared. What do you think of this lifestyle?
