Woman fed 1600 people with her crops: vandals salt her fields

by Mark Bennett

June 20, 2023

Woman fed 1600 people with her crops: vandals salt her fields

It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes passion and work coincide, giving rise to a deep sense of fulfillment. And if you have the good fortune to help others, then getting up in the morning to go to work is certainly more palatable. 

This is the case with the subject of this story: a woman who helps people in need with her cultivation skills.

via Mirror

Carly Carlz Burd/Facebook

Carly Carlz Burd/Facebook

Carly Burd, 43, is a proud woman dedicated to "living green": she grows her own fruit and vegetables on a plot of land she owns. Like everyone, Carly and her community have been hit by the soaring cost of living.

Despite suffering from a chronic disease and receiving state subsidies, Carly shares her crops with people in need. But it seems that not everyone appreciates her charitable efforts.

Recently, some vile criminals broke into Carly's garden plot and destroyed her crops. But they didn't limit themselves to just trampling and crushing her plants.


In fact, these degenerates "salted" the ground: they sprinkled salt all over the garden soil and now, nothing will grow back. This vile act reduced Carly to tears of frustration.

Later, Carly videoed the aftermath of the attack and posted it to social media: "I went down in the morning and noticed something strange, I saw salt on the ground. More than five kilograms of salt had been poured all over my veggie patch. This was not the work of a young delinquent - it was an adult (or adults) who knew what they were doing," Carly said.

"The heartbreaking thing is that a lot of those veggies - like the onions - were planted by children who were really committed to helping the needy. I feel like I've been kicked in the face," Carly said.

Carly Burd/Instagram

Carly Burd/Instagram

However, Carly refuses to throw in the towel. In a statement she made later, she said:

"We have to keep going - me and all the volunteers. Nothing will grow here anymore, so we are planning to make an open this an area for serving tea and coffee; we will hold dinners and invite the whole community."

Carly wants to continue helping the needy and so, she decided to start a charity: A Meal on me With Love, where it is possible to support her projects. We hope people will flock to this brave, generous woman's banner.
