Woman complains that a man at the gym keeps "staring" at her - but he's blind

by Mark Bennett

April 08, 2023

Woman complains that a man at the gym keeps "staring" at her - but he's blind

There are things that we take for granted: from having a family supporting us, to being born into luxury, and so on. Perhaps what we take for granted the most, however, has nothing to do with our "social status" or our emotional and economic state, but rather our health. Many people don't pay attention to how important it can be to "feel normal" and be in good physical shape.

In the story we want to tell you about here, the focus is a man who isn't as lucky as most of us. Furthermore, what happened to him one day will leave you dumbfounded.

via laguiadelvaron

Pete Gustin is a man with an athletic physique who loves practicing various sports - especially aquatic ones, such as surfing. Pete works out regularly to keep fit for his sporting pastimes. To this end, Pete is a member of a gym where he lifts weights. So, what's unusual about this?

This incident took place in the weight room where Pete usually exercises: he was performing some arm muscles exercises when he heard someone coming towards him. Then, a female voice said: "You need to stop it!"

Pete Gustin/Instagram

Pete Gustin/Instagram

A woman had approached Pete and seemed to be rather annoyed. Angrily, she said: "Stop staring at me, you're making me uncomfortable. I'm here to exercise and not to be undressed by your eyes".

Pete couldn't believe his ears and the reason was obvious: there was no way Peter could be staring at this woman, as Pete Gustin is blind!

Pete immediately tried to clarify the  situation by informing the woman he was blind. However, the woman didn't believe him. She even summoned a member of the gym's staff to help her.

Pete Gustin/Instagram

Pete Gustin/Instagram

The staff member listened to the woman's complaint and...ended up supporting the woman! "I understand you are blind, but you still can't make other members of the gym feel uncomfortable while they are working out," the staff member stated.

Pete let the matter go but posted his story in a video to the internet. Viewers were stunned by Pete's story and strongly supported him.

Pete has a modest following on social media platforms and his followers are very impressed by how he manages to lead an active life that many healthy people envy!

Pete is a very unique person who was treated badly. What do you think about this incident?
