A man refuses to give up his seat to another passenger who wants to sit next to his wife

Traveling is a wonderful experience and is also very enlightening: we get to go to incredible places and meet people who help us "broaden our minds". Who doesn't like to travel? The idea of visiting foreign shores is a very attractive prospect for many.
This story is about a "singular" meeting between two people. Let's find out together what happened:

Jay Kloss, from Melbourne, was flying with his wife in business class and everything was going well, for the most part. Jay was just a little annoyed by one thing: he hadn't been able to book his seat next to his wife. In fact, the couple were only separated by the aisle, but Jay wanted to sit next to his wife.
The problem was that there was another man sitting next to Jay's wife. The solution to the problem, Jay thought, was simple and obvious: he politely asked the man to switch places. Nothing could be simpler than this, no?
"Hey, would you mind moving so I can sit next to my lady? It's her birthday," Jay asked the man. The man did not answer Jay, however. "Is it possible for us to swap places?" Jay asked the man again. And again, the man ignored Jay. Despite Jay's multiple requests the man refused to respond at all.
Finally another gentleman - Jay's seatmate - was kind enough to switch seats with Jay's wife, allowing them to sit together. However, Jay was furious throughout the flight and later claimed that he wanted to 'slap' the man who had completely ignored him.
The incident, which ended up being published online, generated a heated debate. Many took the side of the man who had ignored Jay: "That gentleman didn't have to give up his seat, even if it would have been nice of him to do so," wrote one commentator. "You're in the wrong here. You should have booked seats together from the very beginning" commented another. Other users backed Jay: "I'd help out someone like you anytime," one wrote. "I'm with you Jay, why wouldn't someone move under these circumstances?! It's just a show of power," another commentator wrote.
Who do you think is right? Would you have given up your seat?