"I took my son on vacation and accidentally made him miss two days of school: the school fined me"

by Mark Bennett

February 23, 2023

"I took my son on vacation and accidentally made him miss two days of school: the school fined me"

Going to school is very important for every child - not only because it is an opportunity to learn new things, but also to socialize with peers and gain life experiences. There are times, however, when kids need a break from school and get to go on a vacation with their parents.

In this story, the father of a school-going son caused his child to miss a couple of school days due to bad planning. And this oversight cost the father a hefty fine. Here is the story:

via The Sun

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Steven Doherty is a 44-year-old father who lives in Salford, Manchester with his family - including his 13-year-old son, Alfie. The whole story started at the school Alfie attends: St Ambrose Barlow RC High School. We are all well aware that schools close over the holidays, like Christmas or Easter. And during these closures, many families go on holiday - like the Doherty family did.

Dad Steven said that he had organized everything for the Easter period, calculating the number of holiday days based on the reopening date of the school his son attended. Unfortunately, however, Steven miscalculated and Alfie missed two days of school. As a result, Steven was fined £240 pounds by the school.

Steven had to accept the fine and pay it immediately. The affair, however, left a bitter taste in his mouth and, as soon as he could, he chose to "get his revenge".

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

Pixnio - Not the actual photo

Steven explained: "Some time after being fined, my son's teachers went on strike. At this moment, I decided to express my disappointment with the fine I had received. I sent the school a very amusing letter in which I recounted the story of about the fine I had had to pay because my son missed some lessons. I also said that if teachers considered Alfie's education so important, why weren't they showing up in class?"

Steven decided to "fine" the teachers himself, asking for £120 pounds from each striking teacher. Of course, this was a symbolic gesture to make a point and to highlight what Steven regarded as the school's double-standards.

Do you think Steven went too far, or was his "revenge" justified?
