24-year-old graduate rejoices after getting a permanent job as a garbage collector: "Now I can buy a car"

by Mark Bennett

December 21, 2022

24-year-old graduate rejoices after getting a permanent job as a garbage collector: "Now I can buy a car"

Ideally, everyone should be free to choose the job they want, and which is most suited to their aptitudes and preferences - but the reality is often quite different. For example, there are some who study hard in order to have a brighter future doing a "higher-level" job. Unfortunately, this dream often does not come true: open job positions are few and far between, competition can be rigged and low salaries are offered. In short, there is not for the younger generation to aspire to in terms of landing a "permanent position". The subject of this story - although she graduated - is one of the many young people who have had to give up on their dreams.

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Facebook / Federica Castiglia

Facebook / Federica Castiglia

Federica Castiglia is 24 years old and has a degree in optics and optometry, but unfortunately she hasn't been able to find a job in her field of expertise: "I was very undecided about my course of study," said the young woman, "I chose optics in the end and I graduated on time. Believe me: I really put a lot of effort into my studies, but finding a job was difficult. I could only find apprenticeship contracts, without any guarantees or prospects". Things changed after Federica, together with some other young people, got hired as a garbage collector (Asia) in Naples, her home city. She said: "Now I'm in a place were my job is secure, where wokers rights are respected and the pay is fair for the hours worked. Asia represents a security for my future".

Some would turn their noses up to this type of work: after so many years of study, this young woman has now chosen to be a garbage collector? The answer from Federica is very simple: "It's a stable job and pays fairly. And I don't find anything strange in a graduate becoming a garbage collector".

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

Wikimedia / Not the actual photo

For Federica, being a garbage collector is a job that has great dignity and is glad she no longer has to rely on getting financial support from her parents. A stable job has allowed her to realise some of her dreams, such as buying a car: Federica does not regret having studied, but she acknowledges that these studies did not pay off. Luckily, she found another path to financial independence.

"We start at Asia with an apprenticeship contract for a gross salary of 1,100 euros a month. But the turning point for me lies in the fact that now I will have a basis for planning for the future. And I foresee that I will spend the rest of my working life with this company. I certainly won't give up having a permanent job, especially where it is near impossible to find anything else," she said.

We can only wish Federica, and all the new recruits, the best of luck!
