At the age of 10, this child is compared to Picasso: his paintings sell for thousands of dollars

by Mark Bennett

November 01, 2022

At the age of 10, this child is compared to Picasso: his paintings sell for thousands of dollars

History shows us that the world is full of talented people who, thanks to their creativity, have become famous and have left their mark on various disciplines. It is like this for some famous scientists, inventors, artists, and others who made stunning works, discoveries and inventions.

The fame of each person, however, depends not only on what was done, but also on the age at which they started. Just think of one, clear example: Mozart, the famous composer, was only 6 when he rose to fame. This is the case with the young artist we want to tell you about in this story - a boy who, at the age of 10, has stunned the art world.

via New York Times



Andrés Valencia is a true child prodigy who started painting at a very young age: he was only 4 years old. Since then, he has never stopped producing art works.

When Bernie Chase, the owner of New York's Chase Contemporary art gallery, saw one of Andrés works and offered the artist $ 100 dollars, something important happened. Andrés asked for $ 5,000 dollars and Chase accepted. And so, Andrés incredible art career began.


Many - due for his painting style - compare him to Picasso and have given him this nickname. Over time, Andrés works have become more popular and, depending on the painting, have been sold for very high prices: some have even reached $230,000 dollars. "I am happy to make people happy with my paintings and to be in their homes," Andrés said.

Andres loves buying gifts for all his friends with his sales proceeds, as well as giving to charity. This is a child who could well make art history.

Of course, given his youth his parents are very attentive of Andrés: "Our son is, first and foremost, a child and not a celebrity. For us, it is important that he likes what he does," his mother, Elsa said.

We wish Andrés all the best for his future.
