"I am 22 and I'm dating a 57-year-old man: everyone says I am a gold-digger, but I love him"

by Mark Bennett

September 08, 2022

"I am 22 and I'm dating a 57-year-old man: everyone says I am a gold-digger, but I love him"

When it comes to love, most imagine a couple of roughly the same age happy to embark on a journey together (even though many - at least in theory - claim to "believe" in the proverb that "love knows no age"). So, it is too bad that every time couples with big difference in age are seen, many people can't stop forming prejudices. For this reason, Brightnye and James have decided to show the world that they have a happy relationship despite a difference of 35 years between the two of them.

via DailyMail

TikTok / agegap50

TikTok / agegap50

Brightnye Quayle, a 22-year-old diving instructor and model, has been dating James, 57, for 14 months. The two insist that they are deeply in love. The couple first met at a casino, and Brightnye piqued James's interest by ordering nine sandwiches at the club's bar. "He came up behind me and said he wanted to chat with me, so I agreed," the young woman said. James added: "I thought she was starving (because she was soo thin) and that she would be a person of a thousand surprises."

Since then, their relationship has gone from strength to strength and Brightnye, originally from New Zealand, now lives in Queensland with James. The two document their "unlikely love" on their TikTok Age Gap 50 page and do their best to answer questions from their fans. In a recent video, Brightnye answered a question about what James's daughters thought of Brightnye. The man replied, "The two of them took it very differenty: one of them is uninterested and the other would like to kill Brightnye with a pitchfork, which is not very nice," James commented. "Nobody deserves to be killed with a pitchfork, of course. But people are entitled to their opinions. We don't care, we're in love," he added.

TikTok / agegap50

TikTok / agegap50

Another misconception that the couple often face is that Brightnye wants all James' money. However, the man denied this accusation in another video, saying: "The comments we get are interesting. A lot of them are about money. It's just ridiculous. I've was married to my first wife for 30 years, and bought her a Maserati. What is the difference? In every relationship, and certainly in traditional ones where the man takes care of the woman, it is obvious that money is spent - it is not a problem and it is not relevant ".

Making fun of the situation and the people who criticized it, Brightnye jokingly added: "And now let's go buy a Porsche!".
