"I haven't shampooed my hair for 6 years and it doesn't fall out anymore"

by Mark Bennett

May 08, 2022

"I haven't shampooed my hair for 6 years and it doesn't fall out anymore"

If women suffer from the horror of putting on a extra pounds and developing cellulite, men's worst nightmare is definitely baldness: losing one’s hair is an experience that can be very traumatic, especially for a young person. Nick Coetzee started experiencing this horrible feeling when seeing hundreds of strands of his hair trapped in the shower drain every time he shampooed - and he was still only a young student. We can only imagine the anguish felt by young Nick, who never wanted to lose his beautiful, blonde hair. The nightmare of baldness, however, haunted him every day, when, looking in the mirror, he saw his hairline receding and his locks of hair falling out. Nick then found a practical solution to stem the problem. And it’s a solution that he does recommend to everyone, that’s for sure.

via TikTok / nickcoetzee

TikTok / nickcoetzee

TikTok / nickcoetzee

In a video on TikTok, Nick explained his theory about his hair loss and why he stopped shampooing every day to curb the problem. Well, to be honest, he stopped shampooing completely. You got it right: Nick no longer uses any shampoo or conditioner when he washes his hair, as he suspects that the chemicals contained in them have been the cause of all his hair loss problems. After 6 years without washing his hair with products, he can actually prove it - his hair appears to be as healthy, strong and beautiful as it previously had been.

Nick Coetzee was still a student when he started experiencing the terrible tragedy of losing his hair. He had gone so far as to bring a spare T-shirt with him to his university lessons since, by the end of the first lesson, he found himself covered in hair all over his shirt, shoulders and clothes. When he noticed that the situation was getting worse, he stopped washing his hair every day with cleaning products, like shampoo.

TikTok / nickcoetzee

TikTok / nickcoetzee

For Nick, this turned out to be the right choice: "Surprisingly my hair has become much healthier and now I have discovered that there is a whole movement around this theory - it's called #nopoomovement". Simply put, more and more people have realized over the years that products such as shampoo and conditioner can be a health hazard, as they contain numerous - often harmful - chemicals.

According to the proponents, not only is it not good to wash your hair every day, but it is also not good to wash your hair with these harsh products. In reality, they believe a rinse with lukewarm water is enough: "People believe that if they stop washing their hair, it will become greasy and that's true - it does for about two or three weeks," explained Nick in his video, "but after that initial period, your natural oils return, and then your hair can be extremely healthy again, without you having to wash it ever again. "

What do you think? Do you feel like going for 2 or 3 weeks with "dirty" hair to free yourself forever from the slavery of using shampoo?
