"If he's bothering you, do this and I'll get rid of him": bartender intervenes to help a girl who was being harassed

by Mark Bennett

April 13, 2022

"If he's bothering you, do this and I'll get rid of him": bartender intervenes to help a girl who was being harassed

Although big cities can hide dangers for anyone, it is undeniable that a woman who wants to go out with her friends should be particularly vigilant and careful. Unfortunately, it is not easy for a woman to feel safe on the streets of a metropolis, although that doesn't stop most from trying to have fun. A young woman related an episode in which, during an evening in a bar, she was targeted by a stranger who did not to want to stop harassing her despite having been told "no" by the young woman. At this point, the barman intervened with great skill and intelligence, saving the evening and teaching a lesson to the offensive stranger.

During the evening, a man began to pester the young, female subject of this story, who was in a club in her city with a girlfriend. Of course, the girls had made it clear that whatever the stranger's proposal was, their answer was "no". Apparently, however, even the bartender, Max, noticed the tense situation: the guy even gave him the chills, which is why he decided to intervene. With great discretion, Max sent a receipt to the girl, but instead of presenting her a bill, he wrote her a message:

"If this guy is bothering you, put your ponytail over the other shoulder and I'll throw him out of here. He's even creeping me out."


Max learned a lot during his work as a barman, including being able to recognize people's body language, and on this occasion he used this skill and sensitivity to help a young woman. Max explained, "This guy had been giving me very weird vibes for a while. I'd been keeping an eye on him, and tried to give him a chance - let the girls say no and then I thought he'd let it go. But he didn't take no for an answer and kept bothering them, so in the end I yelled at him and got him to leave. "

Describing the episode, Max added: "I honestly don't like yelling at customers or embarrassing people, but I find it one of the best ways to handle these situations. Calling them out loudly in front of people is usually enough to get them to turn around and leave. I don't want my clients to feel uncomfortable. "

In short, sometimes a little attention is enough to help someone and Max has amply demonstrated this fact. Maybe nothing would have happened, or maybe it would have ended badly: if you see someone in difficulty you should help them regardless, right? Max had a cool head and was able to manage the situation deftly. The young woman thanked him and she even met up with him again in the same club a while later. What can we say? A round of applause for this barman who, not only is a great professional, but also a great man!
